I need advice.....

May 10, 2008 15:56

ok so for the past year I have been considering taking a few Graduate English classes at Converse so that (1) I will get paid more and (2) I will be able to teach the higher level English classes that my brain really really needs.I need 18 hours in English to do this, and I only have 9 at the moment. But, the problem is that they NEVER seem to offer anything that works with my work schedule. This whole year plus the summer they didn't offer anything that I could take. But, in the Fall they are offering one English class that will fit my schedule, but as all you fine former Connies know.... I can't get financial aid unless I am taking at least two classes. So here is my problem. I can either take the one English class and pull 1,000 bucks out of my arse somehow, or take the one English class, and another useless class I don't want or need, and get financial aid- with an added bonus of defering my student loans a little longer. But, I just hate paying(well having the governement, and eventuaslly me) 1,000 bucks for a class I don't need just to get money for one that I do. So what do you guys think?
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