Oct 08, 2010 17:56
So, because my clinical instructor for my Psych nursing class is going to be out one day, she's having us watch A Beautiful Mind and write to her about it, which okay, whatever, it's a good movie, it's about schizophrenia, it's a true story, it has Paul Bettany in it. Whatever.
The point is, one of my classmates, in response said that she doesn't watch movies unless she has to because she doesn't enjoy it. And she doesn't read for pleasure. And she hardly ever watches TV. She's not a person that can just sit in front of a screen, she says, as if this is some explanation for this extremely strange behavior. ADD, maybe? But, that doesn't make any sense, either. Agh, help me out here?
What does it say about me, that this deeply disturbs me? I've been obsessed with stories and imaginary things since before I could read, and it seems very, very weird to me, almost inhuman, to not be able to involve yourself, and deeply, with imaginary people. I get that not everybody can get into sci-fi and fantasy and the sort of fiction that is deeply imaginary, but... no stories? None at all? What do you think about?
Now, this person, while a very nice woman, and I'm sure she'll be a good nurse, baffles me in a number of other ways. She drives an hour and half to school every day, that's three hours there and back, and there's definitely another school with a nursing program closer to her, and schools matter even less with nursing than they do with most other disciplines, and she has kids, which she offers as part of the reason she didn't decide to move closer to UAH, but doesn't apply it as a reason she shouldn't be taking 15 odd hours out of the time she could be spending with them each week. And she has talked both about working three jobs at one point and about buying her daughter a $700 prom dress. And she is a grown woman in her forties yet was afraid to talk to our Patho instructor, because I don't know, she might insult her or something. Really it is all I can do not to stand up and shout "YOU ARE TOTALLY FUCKING IRRATIONAL, SURELY THAT IS OBVIOUS TO YOU? RIGHT? RIGHT? EXPLAIN TO ME WHY YOU ARE THIS WAY, I DEMAND IT. YOU MAKE NO SENSE AND THINGS THAT DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE BOTHER ME BY EXISTING." And... I would probably do something to that effect except, as I said, she is a very nice and dedicated lady, but.... Urgh. What. The Hell.
And, yeah, I'm ranting about this because I have become exhausted with ranting about Psych and Med-Surg. Nursing school as whole is totally fucking irrational, and one year. One year. One year. Argh.