Oct 21, 2003 22:50
Hmmm, Well im really sleepy but no where to sleep might have to crash Kenzi and Nesa Are in my bed i got the boot in my own bed second night in a row . I got up at 6 today to go to gregs and then i went to alex's at 8 im really tired but since how i had no clean clothes i am washing some now got my clothes out of my car finally from all the nights i didnt come home it was weird shit i forgot i owned was in there. Got an Interview on Thursday and took the test for the post ofice the other day Dont know which one i want to do one is like 6 buck and ones 14 i know ill do the 14 one but fuck i dont want to drive to the airport every day.. Went to the Hospital the other day to see saige she is adorable im glad everything went okay and all is well agian Well my clothes are almost washed gotta stick em in the dryer