Breaking Radio Silence for a Useless Message

Oct 04, 2013 10:45

So apparently when I'm super busy and stressed out, my brain's way of coping is to retreat to a place of total irrelevance and expend lots of energy into thinking about things that will absolutely not result in any real life productivity or reduction in the aforementioned crazytimes and stress (and then taking precious time to write a meaningless ( Read more... )

that show again? i can't quit you, rl, spn

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bowtrunckle October 11 2013, 22:29:24 UTC
whoever hired the current crop of lousy writers

And Edlund leaving just makes the ship sink faster. :(

wishing I didn't care that much about a t.v. show but finding myself unable to deny that I do. Wah.

And that is the big frustration. Show, I can't quit you (otherwise I would have)! I think I'm in it until the end even if it means I stop writing about it on LJ for everyone's sanity and watch it between my fingers while raging and screaming into a pillow.

I haven't heard about this 3-year plan, though. Care to share?

My "three-year plan" reference is not actually Carver's formal three-year plan, but the very real idea that he signed on with the intention of, in the best scenario, pulling SPN through to S10. It ties into this meta that I've not finished (surprise surprise) about why 8x23 was so unsatisfying from a storytelling standpoint and why didn't follow the established SPN season finale formula of the previous 7 seasons with Carver having a three-year/three-act structure.

Maybe it would explain some things about why this whole freakin' season made no sense.

That way my intention bec. I was really struggling with S8 and how disappointed I was and why it felt so ... weirdly incomplete. But, on the other hand, there's likely no explanation that will magic away those first 10 nonsensical episodes.

I wish you mental ... er ... laxatives! :-)

Thanks, sweets! :D


brightly_lit October 14 2013, 05:28:36 UTC
I can't STAND that Edlund's leaving. I saw someone saying he seems to have gotten bored with SPN, and I guess I saw that in some of the lazier aspects of his S8 episodes, but I will always be a HUGE fan of what he does, so it kills me!

watch it between my fingers while raging and screaming into a pillow.

I was feeling exactly this same way, and then I wrote a story ( and a meta ( that somehow made me feel WAAAY better about the whole thing. There's some small chance they might do the same for you, if you want to try them. I mean, continuity on the show, fugeddaboutit, but at least I was able to get back on the SPN crazy train and start enjoying the ride again.

Very good to know about the 3-year plan. It was your mentioning this that made me start thinking about stuff that made it start making more sense to me, so thanks for bringing it up!

those first 10 nonsensical episodes.

ARRRGHHH, What. Was. That.


bowtrunckle October 21 2013, 03:34:58 UTC
I saw your meta when you posted them (I think you wrote a number of them, right?) and I've been meaning to read them. I'm terribly behind with my flist and replying to comments, it's embarrassing. Thanks for the link to your fic. I'm hoping to find some time very soon to catch up. I'm glad that you're feeling good about SPN and having fun with this season! :)

ARRRGHHH, What. Was. That.

Just a really long bad dream shared by millions.


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