Yay, I LOVE SPN Parties!

Sep 14, 2013 23:10

Just a quick post to say, "YAY! SPN FANDOM!!!!"  I love that Show love is circulating like a rampant cases of head lice (OK, that simile is sort of gross).  Thanks so much to everyone on my flist who is posting such awesome and interesting tidbits about their insights and personal connections to SPN and its characters and how that's evolved over the last 8 seasons.  It's so interesting to learn more about each of you and what brings you here.  In a way, I feel like this collected squee-ish vibe is reminiscent of S2/S3 when it seemed that LJ was a hotbed for all things SPN, and it's nice to see that even though social media and other fannish platforms have changed the fannish population on LJ, there is still a definite community here--one that's interested in connection, sharing, celebration, and positivity.  :)  So thanks everyone for being here and spending the time to contribute to the SPN Love Party!

And on a totally hypocritical note, I'm swamped in RL so I have very little to contribute to the party except for this post *uber sadface x a millionthousandbagillion* and my virtual cheerleading pompoms, obnoxious herkie jumps, and these celebratory gifs.  You guys rock!

i got my spn party socks on!

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