SPN Rec: Tea Pot Set (I want one! OMG.)

Aug 11, 2013 00:14

I saw this rec on rocksalt_recs and am repeating it here because this SPN themed tea pot set is absolutely amazing (and not just because it reminded me of being 5 and having an awesome cup with a ceramic duck stuck to the bottom of it).  The details are awesome and humorous (see the Gabester's sugar pot) and so spot on.  And the picture of Cas peering out over the edge of his tea cup with his shadow wings is somehow adorable.  If you search the tags on the post, you'll be able to find the post on the tea pot itself that shows Crowley standing on the bottom of the pot in a devil's trap holding a tea cup.  Nothing like drowning the King of Hell over and over again in holy water tea.  Maybe Sam and Dean should take note.  ;)

And now I'm going to have to find an awesome cup with a ceramic duck stuck to the bottom of it for ME my kiddos because if that doesn't get them to finish their milk then nothing will. 

ceramic duck cup ftw, recs, i want, spn

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