Why the first half SPN's S8 was inside out and backwards

Feb 08, 2013 00:19

Apparently this is what happens when an episode (8x10) leaves me making my bhuz face and saying, “Really?” at the TV. 
It's all about familiarity and liking what we know we like. )

supernatural meta, spn

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bowtrunckle February 13 2013, 02:50:53 UTC
I am going to need is SEEING how Sam reacted to Dean's disappearance.

I was hopeful with the number of flashbacks we were getting in the beginning of the season that we'd see Sam before he hit the dog and met Amelia. Unfortunately that didn't happen (obviously), and even though I'd like to think we could still get to experience what Sam experienced, I'm not so sure that SPN is going to take us back that far again. It feels like we're finally gaining some forward momentum this season and (even though from a fannish perspective it would be satisfying) flashing back to that storyline in that sort of detail may be more of a distraction. :(

I shouldn't have to make up the plausible scenario in my mind.

I agree. But that's what fanfic is for!

I'm still holding my breath on how I will end up feeling about this season.

I'm still waiting to see if the writers are going to address the dark figure watching Sam in 8x01 and explain how Sam just happened to leave Amelia and then walk into Rufus' cabin when Dean just happened to have newly escaped Purgatory. Maybe it's supposed to be a coincidence, but it just seems so ... purposefully unexplained.


percysowner February 13 2013, 04:03:55 UTC
Even if we don't see what Sam went through when Dean disappeared, I hope they at least allow him to talk about it somewhere down the road. It is the elephant in the room and I am going to have real trouble connecting with this season if it is never resolved.

I'm still waiting to see if the writers are going to address the dark figure watching Sam in 8x01 and explain how Sam just happened to leave Amelia and then walk into Rufus' cabin when Dean just happened to have newly escaped Purgatory.

According to writer interviews,we found out in Torn and Frayed. It was Don. So the Amelia story that never got properly fleshed out also includes a shadowy figure that was so unexplained the writers had to tell us in an interview who it was. I have a faint hope that the writers are fooling us, but really, I think it was Don and that is that.


bowtrunckle February 13 2013, 04:26:10 UTC
I hope they at least allow him to talk about it somewhere down the road. It is the elephant in the room and I am going to have real trouble connecting with this season if it is never resolved.


According to writer interviews,we found out in Torn and Frayed. It was Don.

Really, Show? That's how you reveal things, in interviews? :( Show, you're killing me. *raises fists at the sky*

Obviously I have to start reading all the interviews. Do you by chance remember which writer the interview was with so I can try to track it down and then poke my eyeballs out with a spork while reading it? Don? What a let down. *meh face times a billiontrillion to the millionth power*

BTW, thanks so much for the info!


cuddyclothes February 13 2013, 04:34:38 UTC
I'm still waiting to see if the writers are going to address the dark figure watching Sam in 8x01 and explain how Sam just happened to leave Amelia and then walk into Rufus' cabin when Dean just happened to have newly escaped Purgatory. Maybe it's supposed to be a coincidence, but it just seems so ... purposefully unexplained.

Yes. I've thought back many times to the Ep.1 open of Sam leaving Amelia, and she's lying there with her eyes open. And then he goes to Rufus's cabin. I don't have a problem with it being a coincidence, but the first part...there seems to have been no attempt to match up what happened in the later episodes with that first scene. When he left her after Don was alive, it was broad daylight and not the same scene at all. And now the writers are saying Amelia may or may not be back, so we won't get an explanation? That kind of continuity breaking really bothers me.

Pretty sure the whole Amelia thing is real, but they had no chemistry and the story was undramatic and drab. And I hated the yellow coloring in the flashbacks.


bowtrunckle February 13 2013, 22:16:39 UTC
there seems to have been no attempt to match up what happened in the later episodes with that first scene.

It seems to be a sad trend with these first 10 episodes ... everything is all over the place and disjointed. Almost like a completely different set of writers hijacked SPN. :(

And now the writers are saying Amelia may or may not be back, so we won't get an explanation?

Strangely I'm not that enthused about Amelia's return (if it happens). I'm usually all for characters who are intimately involved with the boys bec. it's a great way to reveal new things about them. I'm not against her showing up again, but it wouldn't break my heart if that was the last we saw of her. Now if they brought back Sarah Blake or *somehow* Jess (or an incarnation of a character who looked like Jess), I'd hit the stratosphere.


cuddyclothes February 13 2013, 23:14:02 UTC
Who's Sarah Blake?


bowtrunckle February 23 2013, 18:21:51 UTC
She was Sam's love interest in S1 "Provenance", the one about the haunted painting that was jumping in and out of the Blake auction house. She's the only love interest (Ruby doesn't count IMHO as she wasn't a love interest) that Sam was ever honest with about hunting.


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