Why the first half SPN's S8 was inside out and backwards

Feb 08, 2013 00:19

Apparently this is what happens when an episode (8x10) leaves me making my bhuz face and saying, “Really?” at the TV. 
It's all about familiarity and liking what we know we like. )

supernatural meta, spn

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elsewhere91 February 9 2013, 13:33:45 UTC
Hi, i stumbled across this post and i love it - so i had to comment lol

I agree 100% with this post. Thank You.

The arguing between the brothers, in the first half of season 8, felt contrived and just put there because it was drama. It just felt like a lot of the issues could have been resolved if the brothers actually spoke to each other but instead we got both of them refusing to see each others’ viewpoints even though they themselves once held them So the arguing just left me confused and frustrated.

I think i can kind of see where the beginning of season was going and i think the idea's were really good and interesting and had so much potential but it wasn't handled as good as it should have been which again was completely frustrating i.e. Sam not looking for Dean. I have no issues with Sam not looking for Dean because as Sam said 'his world imploded' but what frustrated me is that we never got more information, no flasbacks, no conversations with Amelia and/or Dean about what Sam went through. This was a major thing, one of the brothers not searching for the other because he couldn't, and it was just ignored. It again resurfaced in episode 6 but again it was how Dean was hurt (which we knew) and not new information about what happened which is one of the most important things that should have been addressed. I was hoping for a major twist with Sam but now i don't know.

I'm much more happy about episodes 11-13 at the moment, and i hope that the show will continue to go in this direction, although it's so weird how episodes 1-10 feel like a completely different show then 11-13.


bowtrunckle February 11 2013, 13:26:32 UTC
The arguing between the brothers, in the first half of season 8, felt contrived and just put there because it was drama

YES! Manufactured! Almost like SPN forgot it's own history. I'd really like to give the writers the benefit of the doubt, but I feel like they collectively dropped the ball here by failing to create credible drama that made sense with Sam and Dean's past. And it was so frustrating.

we never got more information, no flasbacks, no conversations with Amelia and/or Dean about what Sam went through

It's the tell and not the showing problem (again). We seem to get a lot of this, I feel, with Sam's story lines and it's a big, fat pitfall whenever a show jumps forward in time, esp. when something major has happened. It's clear that Carver was trying to create some tension by not showing what exactly happened with Sam right away (and also not linger on a story with the boy apart by skipping that year as it's clear they think the audience will freak out if Sam and Dean are apart for any extended period of time, which I think is mostly true but, if it's done right it could be totally awesome and actually make the collective Sam-n-Dean identity stronger). But then as the episodes spun by it became apparent that Show was never going to really show what happened to Sam pre-Amelia and post-7x22 and that's when we, the audience, started crying foul i.e. "where's the twist with Sam's story?!". It was treated almost as a tease and then it was a big let down, AND we've been trained by to expect a twist so of course we were confused. I'm still waiting for the twist as I'm wondering who that dark figure watching Sam in 8x01 was.

it's so weird how episodes 1-10 feel like a completely different show then 11-13.

Dissociative identity disorder. Show has traumatized itself. *nods*

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