Why the first half SPN's S8 was inside out and backwards

Feb 08, 2013 00:19

Apparently this is what happens when an episode (8x10) leaves me making my bhuz face and saying, “Really?” at the TV. 
It's all about familiarity and liking what we know we like. )

supernatural meta, spn

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bowtrunckle February 9 2013, 04:30:33 UTC
Oops, I wrote too much so I had to cut it into two replies! *faceplam*

I hope they don't let Dean just sit back and take this label that he is the "Brawn" of the family.

Dean is smart clearly just as Sam is a brawny hunter (but you know that). I think it's human nature to want to slot things/people into clear-cut categories and to say what it is or they are or what it isn't or they aren't. It's harder to think of things/people in terms of sitting somewhere on a spectrum because it isn't tidy and can't easily be labeled. And I think Sam and Dean get slotted into categories a lot and defined by what they are or aren't in relation to each other regardless if it's accurate or not. For example: Sam is smart, so Dean isn't. Dean is sex on wheels so Sam can't be.

I also think that some of this is a hold over from the early seasons where Sam and Dean's contrasting qualities were played up and made to be purposely different. As Sam and Dean grew as characters they become more complex and we saw that there was more overlap between them. That being said I'm sort of in love with Sam having Letters tendencies and Dean marching along in the Campbell's footsteps. They're the perfect team and duality of it all is satisfying in a weird way.

Is that too greedy? The very first meta I ever posted was about Dean's giftedness.

Whoo, greed! :D Just kidding. That's a nice piece, thanks for the link. Dean is so much his father's son, I feel like that's a big part of the Letters Legacy. It's beautiful how Sam and Dean are blends of both sides of their families and their parents' temperaments and tendencies (duh, of course): Sam and Mary and their refusal to want to be hunters, Sam and John's stubbornness and scary revenge issues, Sam the smartypants Letters Legacy, Sam and John's looks. Dean and John's "marriage" to saving people, hunting things, Dean and the brawny Campbell Legacy, Dean and Mary's looks. I could go on, but I'll spare you.

This is probably the longest reply I've ever typed. O_o


fannishliss February 9 2013, 13:24:07 UTC
Well awesome -- I made you teal dear! :)

i think you should go ahead and post at heavy meta. I know there are still people watching because there were a couple of great posts earlier this season.

I feel the urge to fic about how Dean will find his own ways into the Men of Letters schema. I adored that moment, which was very small, when Sam was studying and Dean said "good". HEARTS EVERYWHERE!!! It was a wonderful moment for things between them to kick into place. I remember, back in the day, there was fic where they got old and ran a Hunting School or some such. Wouldn't it be grand if this could be the start of it?

I also think there is Angelic influence at work with the men of Letters. I'm eager to see how that plays out. :)


bowtrunckle February 12 2013, 23:12:16 UTC
I adored that moment, which was very small, when Sam was studying and Dean said "good".

So much rolled into that one little word! I love that Show still has the capacity to do that. :)

Wouldn't it be grand if this could be the start of it?

*hearts* I still want Sam and Dean to have a happily ever after ending somehow.

I also think there is Angelic influence at work with the men of Letters.

As soon as Henry started talking about the generations of Winchester men in the MoL, I immediately started hyperventilating while thinking about vessels and the Winchester blood line and all the blabber seasons ago about how it John had to have something special going on in his back story to be a vessel for Michael in "TSRTS" (not to mention Sam and Dean being angelic vessels themselves). It would be interesting to see in future seasons if the angels have some sort of "plan" having to do with the Winchester Legacy and the fact Sam and Dean don't have anyone to continue their blood line.


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