Manly Tears of Gratitude and a Post-Apocalyptic Western

Jul 16, 2012 22:54

While I put K down to sleep for the night, I watch parts of mindless TV shows on Hulu on my computer with my headphones.  Tonight I was watching short clips from some of this weekend's ComiCon panels when I stumbled upon a mention of a 10th Anniversary Firefly Panel and promptly and silently (because, you know, drowsy baby in lap) freaked out.  Then, of course, being that I have no self control, I watched the entire 55+ minute panel instead of doing laundry (yes, I do laundry at night) or dishes (ugh, dishes) or helping my husband put T to bed even though I could hear them singing songs and someone jumping on the bed on the other side of the wall (shhh, some nights it takes a really long time to put K to sleep *nudgewink*).

But, wow.  If you've ever wanted to see Nathan Fillion grab wads of Kleenex and cry (multiple times) or Joss Whedon get verklempt and teary while making impassioned speeches (multiple times), now's your chance.  I've never seen such an emotional or passionate panel.  And what amazes me even more is that this was for a show (and subsequent feature film) that aired a decade ago and was only 14 episodes long *boggles*.  Talk about resonating with fans.  It's hard to imagine what kind of following and response Firefly would've received if the show was allowed to fully develop or even finish out a full season or two.  Two thumbs down FOX executives.  I bet they've been eating their hat(s) for the last decade.  Booya!

So for all you Browncoats still out there, watch this.  Don't forget your Kleenex. :')

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