SPN 6x13

Feb 11, 2011 22:13

HOLY MOTHER ON A STICK.  SHOW, YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  IMU.  ILU.

Awesome big brother protective Dean + morally right Sammy who just wants to do the right thing even if it's a BAD idea + collapsing Sam and Dean freaking out = S1/S2 redux  OMG!  YES!  \o/\o/\o/

Let me just say my two favorite tropes, hurt/comfort and amnesia, combined = this explosion of awesome *wants more*

Also, Sam's tighter pants were very nniiiiiiccceee.  *is shallow*  :P

Also also, Show was very pretty tonight.  I like this new director.

squee, 6x13, episode reaction, spn

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