Hard Drive Dump 1: Fill in the Blank Fun, The SPN Edition

Jan 07, 2011 21:39

I officially feel like a walking zombie.  As in brain dead and aimless.  The new semester is about to start and not having any classes to prepare for, I think I'm on the verge of hysteria.  Whoever would've guessed that staying at home and taking care of a 1 year old would be so rewarding and simultaneously mentally destabilizing.  *is slowly going insane*  On top of that I feel like I'm intellectually constipated to the point that I'm starting to seriously wonder if something is damaged.  So in order to make myself do something besides domestic things and in the spirit of cleaning out the old and bringing in the new for a new year, every week I'm going to post some fandom-related project that has been lingering on my hard drive for eons until they're all gone.  Yep.  No matter how many typos and incomplete thoughts, no matter how old the project *waves at SPN S3*, no matter how purple the prose or ridiculous the plot, no matter how much of a disaster it is, I'm going to post it.  Prepare yourselves for ... I don't even know (see? I can't even come up with a suitable analogy) this journal is going to become an excavation site of an ancient and ugly landfill called bowtrunckle's hard drive dump.  Feel free to wave your pompoms, groan into your hands, silently pity me and my lack of brainwaves *beep beep beep booooooooooooo*, or join me in my housekeeping.  :D

That being said, here's the first dump.  Whew, I already feel better deleting this file.  One down and who knows how many to go!

Fill in the Blank Fun: SPN Edition

SPN, the show ________.

where dying is the beginning, not the end, of a story arc

where the bad guys were a rabbit’s foot, a swarm of bees, and a monster truck

where bitch and jerk are terms of endearment

where self sacrifice and selflessness is a bad thing

where blondes don’t have more fun

that made bowlegs sexy

that elevated crying to an art form

that made flannel and ripped jeans cooler than Kurt Cobain

that vilified Santa

that inspired a plethora of neologisms as there were no existing words that could adequately describe the squeeful spaztastic angstfabulous amounts of manpain and beautifulicness

that slowly and stealthily took over my user pics

with assbutts

ETA: Feel free to add to the list!

ETA2: Hmm, I bet you can't guess that I once wrote exams for a living.  *evil smirk*

hard drive dump, spn

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