OK, I'll bite. Can someone please explain what's up with all these references to JP and "Gen" and "Jen"? Is this yet another product of some wanktastic wankitude or something else entirely? Normally I have a clue, but this just sailed straight over my head and is orbiting some alien gas giant past the Oort Cloud. Am I going to regret asking
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Comments 42
I assume if there's wank, it's likely something about Jared with a possible girlfriend. *shrugs*
Here's the photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/weezermonkey/3228205610/
And the blogger site:
I wasn't aware of any wank about this--and I usually stay far away from it. So hopefully I just didn't step in it!
Funny how just a simple picture can cause such discourse.
I usually stay far away from it. So hopefully I just didn't step in it!
You and me both. This journal is a wank-free zone.
Let me just get on my wank soapbox for one nanosecond and say, "I think anonymous commenting is ridiculous."
But that comm is my first stop when wank is in the air and I have no idea what people are talking about. Anon commenting is the norm there and on its big sister Fandom Wank, apparently it produces more LOLz. Or something.
And it was very apt. :D I think after clicking on the Fandom Wank link, my eyes ARE BLEEDING! What is that scary place?!?! I only have one word: WHY?!
If you wanted to know what my personal hell would be never ending marking/grading (guess what I've been doing for the last couple of days *chants, "die mideterms die"*), a fatal allergy to chocolate, and my flist entirely morphed into the Fandom Wank community complete with e-mail spam. Oh, the horror! Also, in there would be a world without a S5 for SPN. D:
Is there an option for flakey? That's my defualt setting. ;)
Heh! With this fandom anyone he dates (even you. uh. of course) is sure to cause an uproar. But, you know, if that's the cost... *wink*
Is there an option for flakey?
There is no flakey either. FAIL. In addition to "stupid" and "flakey", the following options should be added to all mood themes specifically for the SPN fandom:
I don't know how most moodthemes work because I haven't done anything new with them for at least two/three years now but I do remember that I could just type something in and pick an image. Huh. I need a new moodtheme. But I don't think that I could find enough Zelda screencaps to do so...
Tch, I find that I care little about who's dating who just as long as whoever it is can actually act with one another without making goopy lovey-faces. And so far the only goopy-lovey faces have really happened in Monster Movie between Sam and Dean. Very goopy, that look.
Besides, if they're going to let the Js girlfriend's on set, I'm waiting for Danneel Harris. Rowrr. <3
Like this:
( ... )
*shoots you a baleful look*
This fandom is nutzo!
Why do some crazy fangirls care so much who-schtoompfs-who???
It warms my heart to know that this time I've been able to bring joy by passing along such vital, earth-shattering information. ;)
This fandom is nutzo!
That is another option that should be added to every mood theme! :D
Why do some crazy fangirls care so much who-schtoompfs-who???
I have NO clue. It confuzzles me.
I was more interested in the comment that they'd planned to rotate the actress playing Ruby. I'd rather expected from the beginning that they'd do that since (1) They didn't make any big deal about her coming on the show, publicity-wise, and (2) You'd think that would save them money, hiring several actresses with smaller roles.
I was really hoping that the CRD call in CAiaD was going to end up being Lilith instead.
It could cost more to do multiple casting calls too come to think of it. I don't really see how Cortese "blew them away", I really don't, but I also don't know what Kripke is specifically looking for. The original Ruby sides were for "Kristy" and if I remember right it wasn't exactly all that challenging.
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