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bowtrunckle January 20 2009, 22:08:47 UTC
Dean's talk about his time in Hell has only taken up about 5 minutes of show time, all together.

Thanks for adding up those minutes. I was speaking in Show Time, meaning fictional time (which stretched into at least a month, longer if you consider the focus on Dean's time in Hell started at at the end of "Wishful Thinking"), not actual viewing time, but it's good to know these facts. :)

Dean hasn't spent alot of time whining about it

No Dean definitely doesn't whine. In fact, he does the exact opposite! That man has one stiff upper lip.

I don't think they have spent much time on Dean's time in Hell in terms of it taking up screen time

There have been a lot of MotW episodes, so case files have technically take up most of the screen time. But the emphasis those MotW episodes is what I'm speaking of, their relevance to the characters. They've centered more on clarifying Dean's head space than anyone else's so far this season. If you're interested in more on this I posted a response (with a incredibly dorky table) about this same thing in blackjedii's recent meta here: http://blackjedii.livejournal.com/562305.html#cutid1

Content could be the same, the setting and timing within the episode should have been different.

Yes. I would've been nice to see an effort to inject some more variety instead of falling back on what seems to be the easiest set up.


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