Picspam Squee 'n Glee (SPOILERS 4x13)

Jan 14, 2009 15:50

Clearly, I'm not excited in any way, shape, or form for an upcoming SPN episode.  So much so that I didn't feel the need to make a picspam, blabber icoherently all over the place, and make BAD jokes.  Seriously.  *straight face*

Oh, my heart!

I think I might've just ovulated.  Jesus.  Leather-jacket clad big brother Dean and adorable innocent puppy Sammy!  Apparently, John gave Dean his jacket before Dean was 18 *files yet another useless factoid into brain at the expense of something important*.  I'm trying hard not to make some horrible joke about Dean getting his fill of dragging Sam around under his arm and giving him noogies before Sam finds his magic beans and sprouts.

Is it wrong to want to take innocent puppy Sam home and feed him COOKIES and give him hugs?!  LOOK, not a trace of emo on that smiling face of his!  Oh, Kripke, you better not break my heart with destroying yet another sliver of puppy Sam's fragile innocence. *raises fists*  I wonder if we're going to see any remnants of NO-BOW-HUNTING-ONLY-SOCCER Sam as a prelude to what will become FULL-OUT-REBELLIOUS-BUTT-HEADS-WITH-JOHN Sam in 4 very short years and after an apparently massive growth spurt.  Consequently, how many fics will feature Sam with too-short jeans and John and Dean grumbling about daily trips to the Salvation Army and the grocery store? :D

I wouldn't be surprised if we see that wee!Sam has already identified Dean as a father figure when this episode takes place.  We saw the shift in "AVSC", which was 4 years prior to this episode.  BTW, Dean's done some very nice growing up the 4 years since we last saw him.  I love that he's already established his signature Dean style by age 18, rocking the thick-heeled boots, jeans, flannel, and dirt-colored T-shirts.

I love the actor playing Sam (Ridge something-or-other?) has adopted the oh-so-familiar hands-in-the-pocket Sam hunch that JP perfected.

Was the back end of John's leather jacket always differently colored like that?  It looks like the back end had been replaced, like John or Dean went sliding on their behinds, ripped the original leather, and--instead of discarding the whole jacket--replaced it with a new panel.  Now I'm very curious about the history of THE JACKET.  You think maybe Dean salvaged it from John just so he could have something of his dad's?  I'll be interested to see how much hero worshipping Dean we'll see because based on Dean's attitude toward John in "the pilot" and wee!Dean in "AVSC", it's very likely teen!Dean (heh, say that 10 times fast) thought the world of John, wanted to be John perhaps.  I suppose now that we know the history of THE AMULET, my OCD needs something new to fixate on.  You think teen!Dean is wearing the silver ring yet?

Also, I think this might've been filmed at the park near where I used to live because that pink house with the red door is SO FAMILIAR!  How many pink houses with red doors next to a park are there in Vancouver!?  It's probably good I've moved to a different country since discovering SPN otherise I'd be the freak in the bushes ruining all the takes.  Just kidding!  I'd be in the tree not the bush.  Everyone knows an aerial view is better for spying.  *smirk*

Was I saying something about the lack of puppy emo?  Strike that.  Clearly we're seeing the early stages of Sam's tortured soul.

Dean, on the other hand, clearly has perfected the sex-eyes look at a very early stage.  What I want to know is how they found an actor who has Jensen Ackles's LIPS?!  Isn't that practically improbable that there's another male with obscene girl lips?

OMG!!!!! LOL!!!!!  I sort of love that kid in the back row with the tiny Mohawk, like it represents his own personal rebellion against the tyranny of junior high: "I will distinguish myself from the other red-short/T-shirt wearing teenagers by using lots of hair gel."

How many whistles and sweat bands do you think JA will get thrown at him for the fan pictures at ALL of the subsequent Cons?  How funny would it be if EVERYONE brought a giant red rubber ball to Vancouver Con?  *dies*  XD *regresses to age 13*  "Jensen, can you sign my balls?"  Shh, I'm allowed to be inappropriate at my own journal.  Also, I locked this entry so I can be free to be disgusting and obnoxious to a select set of prisoners audience.  Don't you feel lucky?  :)

I can't wait for this episode!!!  Give me 4 weeks worth of Thursdays now!  My OCD missed the Show and it's ridiculous details!

Episodes stills from andreas_ri .
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