Let's Do This!

Nov 04, 2008 08:17

Whoo!  Today is the day!

I hope everyone has voted or is planning to vote today.  I'm headed out to my local elementary school to stand in line and smile at the friendly old ladies and men who volunteer at the polling stations.  There's something I love about physically going to vote on the day of the election and actually dropping the ballot into that giant box.  There's this feeling of being part of a collective effort, something bigger than you.  And I get a kick out of all the kids' crazy art work hanging on the walls of the elementary school and how midget-like everything is.  When I'm old and gray and if there is still walk-in-voting, I'll probably be one of those smiling old ladies who check people's voting registration cards against the list of names and say, "Have a good day, dear, thank you for voting."

In the meantime, let's get this party started!  GO BLUE STATES! 
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