Tension, Conflict, Motivation, and Plot: Why the Story is About Dean and We Do Know Sam

Apr 18, 2008 18:43

I wrote a meta thingy! :)

There’s been avid discussion about Sam and Dean and which of them, if either, seems to be favored by Kripke as well as debate about “who is the story really about”. I’ve noticed there’s been a propensity for some self-proclaimed “Dean girls” and “Sam girls” to run circles around each other, trying to prove their points. ( Read more... )

supernatural meta

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bowtrunckle April 24 2008, 07:30:29 UTC
the one person I really want to see back is the lawyer from Folsom Prison Blues

Oh, Mara! I liked the fact she jabbed Henriksen (however you spell it ... you know, I write that every time, from now on it's going to be "Henricksonhoweveryouspellit") good and hard. I also liked the detective in "The Usual Suspects". It would be great if they joined forces and cleaned up the boys' criminal records so they could rejoin society at some point (I doubt that would happen, but maybe in ficland).

some of the punch is taken away

Yeah, I see your point. For sure, you start pulling your punches (killing your main characters and then repeatedly resurrecting them) and after a while nobody flinches when you make a fist. But (heh), on the other hand, it's when everyone's habituated to the "fake out" that a real punch knocks everyone flat. Not that I think Dean won't be back for S4 or anything. *knocks on wood*

But I think the big thing no matter who dies or doesn't is to is no to jerk the audience around too much. Once the writer's lose their credibility it's almost impossible to get it back. I think Kripke is hyper aware of this, which is one of the reasons why he surfs the boards and seems interested in fan reactions. Yay for conscientious producer-writer-creator-evil masterminds. :)

a convertible for him to sprawl out in

LOL! That poor boy, he could barely fit into that little car. His knees must have bruises from the dash board. I don't know how he fits into most things ... airplanes especially. My husband is 6'4" and gets leg cramps if he can't sit in an exit aisle.

since Sam is full of demon blood and therefore connected to hell he gets hot easily andmust wear less clothing.

Sweat. There's probably some sweating involved somewhere, too. How about black leather pants and a sweaty ... tank top. Yeah. A white or gray tank top. And maybe to cool off he leans up against a metal fence. Wow. Now if I only had a picture of that...

Here's hoping your theory is right!!

Forces of good (FoG) FTW! *waves FoG flag*

I wish you guys luck on your project

Thank you! :)

because that's originally who Tammi was

Yet another demon with a real demon name! This just really makes me wonder why some demons have demon names and others like Ruby and Lilith have human sounding names. Show, you confuse me! And consequently sometimes I confuse myself as to why I'm thinking about demonology, Hell's hierarchy, and demon names in the first place XD!


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