Tension, Conflict, Motivation, and Plot: Why the Story is About Dean and We Do Know Sam

Apr 18, 2008 18:43

I wrote a meta thingy! :)

There’s been avid discussion about Sam and Dean and which of them, if either, seems to be favored by Kripke as well as debate about “who is the story really about”. I’ve noticed there’s been a propensity for some self-proclaimed “Dean girls” and “Sam girls” to run circles around each other, trying to prove their points. ( Read more... )

supernatural meta

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yourlibrarian April 22 2008, 18:58:50 UTC
Yeah, I couldn't figure out where it came from . I'd actually expected her to make a completely different comments because a very long time ago *cough* we were both in Duran Duran fandom and Jensen in that picture always makes me think of Simon le Bon. But I suppose I'm always seeing things like that. The other day I was thinking how much John Edwards and John Barrowman look alike.

or maybe Missouri was reincarnated

Good God, yes, although had the part been cast differently I suspect it would have been more archetypal than sterotypical.

then wish Missouri would show up and heckle Dean some more

Hee! I got this image of Missouri saying nothing (but picking up everything about the Deal), just standing there with her hands on her hips, staring at Dean disapprovingly until he began to squirm and bark "What?"

We're taught in school to "compare and contrast"

I could even see it being a genetic tendency, so that individuals in groups specialize and become particularly skilled in valued traits, then pass those traits and lessons on to future generations.


bowtrunckle April 23 2008, 08:14:42 UTC
we were both in Duran Duran fandom and Jensen in that picture always makes me think of Simon le Bon

Duran Duran has a fandom or would that be "bandom"? ;) I actually love Duran Duran. In fact I'm listening to "Come Undone" right now ... a song I associate with "Mystery Spot" because of the lyrics. I never thought of the young le Bon/Ackles resemblance, but their mouths and cheekbones are similar.

The other day I was thinking how much John Edwards and John Barrowman look alike.

No. Really? *does a google image search*

OMG. That is uncanny. LOL!!!

There are some truly strange pictures of Capt. Jack out there on the internet. In particular one of him (apparently) in a production of "Hair".

Kuromatic and I came to the conclusion while back that Sam and Dean have a long lost uncle ... Javier Bardem.

standing there with her hands on her hips, staring at Dean disapprovingly until he began to squirm and bark "What?"


Of course Dean would squirm and probably scratch the back of his neck like he does when he knows he's been caught. Then he'd shove Sam forward. "Use your psychic thing, Sam, and make her stop doing ... whatever it is you psychics do." Aww, Dean. :)


yourlibrarian April 23 2008, 19:27:49 UTC
OMG. That is uncanny.

So I'm not the only one who thinks so then! I first noticed it when I was watching the Colbert Report. (He did a great job doing his version of Colbert's the Word). Yeah I could see Javier Bardem. I did think he looked rather like JDM.

Duran Duran has a fandom or would that be "bandom"?

Oh it does/did. Back in the 80s there were zines, both news oriented and fanfic ones. Rumor was the band members had copies in their homes too. One fan doing an interview reported that JT had a zine on his coffee table that had a romantic manip of him and Nick Rhodes on it. This is the oldest site I know of: http://there.indyramp.com/

young le Bon/Ackles resemblance, but their mouths and cheekbones are similar.

To be honest, I'd never noticed it until I saw my header. I'd say it was their eyes as well, both of them have huge ones and look most alike when they're being intense. Some comparisons: http://www.kraftykards.com/images/music/Simon31.jpg and http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/5065/img002df0.jpg
or http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/1945000/images/_1947857_duran_pa_150.jpg and http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/5868/img004vz2.jpg

Hee! Squirmy, uncomfortable Dean is pretty amusing.


bowtrunckle April 25 2008, 03:26:50 UTC
He did a great job doing his version of Colbert's the Word

Jet ski! Someone on my flist circulated that video. I was highly amused.

JT had a zine on his coffee table that had a romantic manip of him and Nick Rhodes on it.

Heh. That's fan appreciation for you. Almost along the same lines of Jim Beaver's "I read John/Bobby" shirt.

I'd say it was their eyes as well

O.O Mmm. *nods* That first picture is very nice. You know, I think it's the cheekbones. I really noticed JA's lovely cheekbones because of the lighting in the Dean vs. Dean dream sequence.

Thanks for the eye candy. :)


yourlibrarian April 26 2008, 23:38:44 UTC
Almost along the same lines of Jim Beaver's "I read John/Bobby" shirt.

I was floored by that one. Who knew he had that much of a sense of humor? I laughed pretty hard over Sandy's "cries his way through sex" shirt too.


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