Tension, Conflict, Motivation, and Plot: Why the Story is About Dean and We Do Know Sam

Apr 18, 2008 18:43

I wrote a meta thingy! :)

There’s been avid discussion about Sam and Dean and which of them, if either, seems to be favored by Kripke as well as debate about “who is the story really about”. I’ve noticed there’s been a propensity for some self-proclaimed “Dean girls” and “Sam girls” to run circles around each other, trying to prove their points. ( Read more... )

supernatural meta

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Re: I actually thought Dean's flippancy made sense in a wierd way zazreil April 21 2008, 00:59:55 UTC
I'm sure Sam is grateful for Dean's sacrifice,

I don't know if Sam has had the opportunity to think about being grateful or not grateful. Dean's deal is a train rushing down the track and for most of the season Sam is just rushing to try and prevent his brother from being mowed down. Not an easy task when Ruby and the Trickster are providing distractions, Lilith is beginning to hunt them and Dean is being unhelpful because he would rather go "Kill some evil sonofabitches" than spend the time doing research on the deal.

I sense Sam doesn't sees this as an either/or transaction; whereby IF Dean asserts his will to live and tries to bypass the deal it means Dean's somehow devaluing Sam's life. I feel that Sam, more than anything, is feeling abandoned and betrayed by Dean--who seems to have already given up without a fight

Oh I agree and Dean doesn't help either with his comments that almost make it sound like he will be relieved when it is over. Dean M7 "Truth is I'm tired Sam, I don't know its like there's a light at the end of the tunnel" Sam "That's Hellfire Dean" Dean "hmmph Whatever. Your alive, I feel good, for the first time in a long time."

Sam--who's always been viewed as the more "selfish"
I think both boys have their selfish moments- its hard not to and to be human. The deal was inherently selfish and both Sam and Dean know that. But when Sam calls Dean on it in M7 - Dean says he's ok with it - even if Sam isnt.
Sam "Your a hypocrit Dean. How did you feel when Dad sold his soul for you because I was there. I remember, you were twisted and broken and now you go and do the same thing to me. What you did was selfish." Dean "Yeah your right. It was selfish but I'm ok with that." Sam "But I'm not" Dean "Tough, After everything I've done for this family - I think I'm entitled"

Which raises all sorts of questions - about what Dean has and has not done for his family and how much the Demons are lying about how much of a burden Dean is or isn't to his family - that is probably an entire meta in itself



Re: I actually thought Dean's flippancy made sense in a wierd way bowtrunckle April 21 2008, 18:37:05 UTC
Dean's deal is a train rushing down the track and for most of the season Sam is just rushing to try and prevent his brother from being mowed down.

I love the image that elicits. :D

The deal was inherently selfish and both Sam and Dean know that.

I've always thought Dean's deal was inherently selfish and essentially boiled down to an act of weakness borne out of fear, desperation, and impulsiveness. What he did was purely for himself; he wasn't "saving" Sam because Sam was already dead. Sam never had a say in what Dean did to him, and now he's stuck dealing with the consequences (I think this is why early S3 Dean drove me a little crazy).

The whole question about Sam coming back "100% Sam" seems to have been switched to Sam's plot, whereas I really see its emotional consequences being more of a Dean-centric story. Look at all these lose plot threads; let's hope they're not dropped in S4.

Dean "Yeah your right. It was selfish but I'm ok with that." Sam "But I'm not" Dean "Tough, After everything I've done for this family - I think I'm entitled"

I love that Dean is finally asserting a healthy his sense of self this season. It seems like Dean is just a no holds barred kind of guy. When he's self-sacrificing he's 100% self-sacrificing; and when he's into being all about himself, it's 100% all about Dean (even if it's a self-defense mechanism). *still loves Dean*

that is probably an entire meta in itself

*nods* The Show is just an endless supply of "Think"! ;)


Re: I actually thought Dean's flippancy made sense in a weird way zazreil April 22 2008, 03:04:18 UTC
Finally - Corrected that Sucker, the misspelling was making me crazy.

One thing I am really glad of is that Kripke did not go the Buffy route. Sam has no memory of where he was (neither did Dean IMToD either for that matter) So Sam could have been in Limbo or Hell just as easily as Heaven. Or he could have been wandering around a spirit caught in a cursed town, not deserving hell but tainted enough that traveling toward the light was closed to him. Maybe he would have eventually become an angry spirit had Dean not taken action. Based on what YED said IMToD I am not sure he could have pulled Sam Back if he had completely moved on to an upper plane closed to YEDs influence. Unless of course that part of Sammy that YED implied was different couldn't be drawn down from that higher plane.....

In any case it puts Sam in a different position to deal with what is happening around him, lets him focus outward on Dean rather inward on his own loss.

Ooo here's a thought - Dean made the deal when Sam was dead, maybe Sam is the demon that holds the contract on Dean's soul?

All speculation of course, but fun to think about.



Re: I actually thought Dean's flippancy made sense in a weird way bowtrunckle April 22 2008, 17:17:34 UTC
Sam has no memory of where he was (neither did Dean IMToD either for that matter)

This is where fanfic is a wonderful thing. :) I don't think we'll ever know the answer to this question as The Show likes to maintain a nebulous relationship with the "good" spiritual plane, or perhaps it's just me not wanting The Show to reveal all it's cards (I loved the ending of "Roadkill").

Italo Calvino wrote an essay about writing with a light touch. He used the Greek myth of Perseus and Medusa to illustrate if one tries to write directly about "heavy" events (mostly, I think, he was talking about war, being that he was a war vetern, but I also apply this to heavy themes even though I can't remember if he did so or not ... heh, I mangle brilliant ideas!) or events that are too current (i.e. no perspective), there's the risk it'll drag down your work, essentially "freezing" it. He maintains you need to touch on it lightly, quickly, then pull away as to not let the "weight of the world" overwhelm the story.

So I guess this is how I hope The Show will treat heaven or the light or whatever lies beyond because I think if they try to overly define it, the magic will be lost. The mystery is part of the draw for me. That being said, I wouldn't be adverse to getting an incarnation/symbolic "side of good" one of these days, although no angels with white feathers please.

Unless of course that part of Sammy that YED implied was different couldn't be drawn down from that higher plane.....

As much as I love angst/drama, I like to think Sam's spirit moved onto better things because satisfying "endings" are important to me. However, just to go with the flow here, you bring up an interesting idea, one I think is tied to an important theme in The Show: redemption and the personal choice/atoning actions overriding destiny. I get inklings that The Show might go deeper into this idea. This was an under current for the entire S2, but it seems to have gone underground along with emo Sam this season. I guess we'll have to see what happens!

maybe Sam is the demon that holds the contract on Dean's soul?

That's something hugemind and I have been throwing back and forth at each other since "Bedtime Stories". It's definitely a "he" as stated by the RED, so unless the demon possessing Lilith is bisexual, then it can't be the Lilith demon (and I'm still unsure if Lilith is the name of the girl she's occupying or if that's the demon's name). I actually love the idea because it funnels Sam's "destiny" though choice, the fact he'd choose to embrace his demon side to save Dean. Also, how ironic! :D

I'm still not convinced that all demons will choose "evil" nor that Sam's demon "destiny" is bad/dark. I'm rooting for a demon (Lilith) vs. demon (Sam) war with humans and Dean caught in the middle for S4.

Speculating is fun. That's what fandom is for!


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