Yes, Doctor, You Can Derive A Meta From A Single Picture

Jan 09, 2008 14:26

This just proves my brain is starved (look, it's practically anorexic) for something SPN-related to think about.  Spoilers ahoy!

OK, so it's clear that those TATTOOS *eee* are flaming *eee* pentagrams *eee*.  We know the pentagram, a huge component of devil's traps (DTs), are used to PROTECT against evil.  The question is: are these TATTOOS *eee* actually DTs or something else?  Because based on what we know about how devil's traps work may help determine what the boys may be up to.

My first instinct was that the TATTOOS *eee* are for protective purposes, which makes perfect sense considering they're hunting demons.  But then what happened to Bobby's anti-possession charms from BUaBS (2x14)?   Why construct two different things that serve the exact same purpose? Sloppy storytelling, Kripke. *frowns*  So could these be TATTOOS *eee* of DTs instead?  If so, and with what we know about DTs, then it's likely the boys didn't get them for protection at all.

Just humor me before you write me off as crazy...

Over the course of 2.5 seasons, we've seen how DTs have been used to trap demons for six different exorcisms.  Each time the protocol was the same: the DTs were drawn out on some surface (ceiling, ground, trunk), demons walk INTO them easily and without noticing, but cannot ESCAPE unless the traps are physically BROKEN, the exorcism is performed, demon evacuates its human host via its smokey form.  The end.

If the boys are using their TATTOOS *eee* as they would regular non-bodily DTs, then why the hell are they making their BODIES traps?  Are they using themselves as bait? *gulp*  Do they want to get possessed and trap a demon inside of them?   If so, then the only way to get the demon out is by breaking the thing the trap is sketched on  (i.e. how do you "break" a body)?  And ... uh ... does it worry anyone that the TATTOS *eee* are sketched over their hearts?  Also does the fact that their TATTOOS *eee* (permanently inked under the skin) and not drawn on in pen or permanent marker scream significant milestone to anyone else?  Because you just don't go marking up your two main characters with MATCHING significant mytharc symbols in such an important places on their bodies based on a whim or flight of fancy for one episode.

Or maybe I'm just spazzing about nothing and those TATTOOS *eee* are a new application of an old idea.  Or maybe they're not DTs at all, just protective pentagrams like the one Sam drew on the Impala to protect the Colt in "Devil's Trap" (1x22).  There are no inscriptions and/or symbols outside of the pentagram after all.  *is curious*

Bwah!  When does this episode air?  Is it too demanding to hope that it's Feb 14th?

ETA: Apparently, I temporarily forgot about the contradictory terminology and the giantic "devil's trap" and "protective circle" confusion until I started blabbing away in the comments (read below).  So ... sorry ... I should've used the more accurate terms: "the thingys that are real devil's traps" (TTTARDT) and "the thingys we call devil's traps but are really protective circles" (TTWCDTBARPC).  My brain is tied up tighter than an load of panty hose in the drier.  Excuse me while I fetch a pair of scissors to cut myself loose.

ETA (x2): And I don't really know if this blabbage technically qualifies as meta because it's mostly knee-jerk reactionary squee.  So, yeah, the title may be a misnomer.  No thoughts of relative coherence to be found here (unless one counts the brain busting TTTARDT/TTWCDTBARPC jabber), move along people, move along.

ETA (x3): For more interesting TATTOO *eee* meta about Sam's inverted pentagram go here

supernatural meta, 3x11

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