3x07 Ramblings

Nov 15, 2007 21:56

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THE SHOW IS BACK!!!!

*Spaztastically tacklehugs the show and screams, "I missed you!"*

It's official.  S3 has started!


Wow.  Just wow.  And then some.  I'm not coherent whatsoever.

I think we've found our winning combination: Sera Gamble and Kim Manners.  Come on, Kripke, EVERY EPISODE from now on.  Just make everyone ( Read more... )

3x07, spn episode review, unadulterated spazzing

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Comments 28

erinrua November 16 2007, 06:12:26 UTC
Omg, omg, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*is ded*

That was so ... *flails* I'm done. I am so freakin' over the MOON I can't stand it! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

*grins like a very large idiot*

~ Erin


bowtrunckle November 16 2007, 06:23:31 UTC

I know, Erin! I'm dying from The Show love over here!

Dude. Our beautiful nighttime colors were back. Brother love was back. Our classic rock score was back. Awesome MotW were back. *hugs everyone*

Sera Gamble must write more episodes and Kim Manners must direction the rest of the season.

Did you see Sammy's uberhuman strength?! *freaks out in the most awesomest of ways*


erinrua November 16 2007, 08:34:14 UTC
LOL, hey, you're right! The dark-n-dim was back, too! YOWZA! *flails until the cats run in terror*

And yes! Sammy pinned down a vampire! LOL, I had to mention that in my review. I guess biting Dean just ain't a smart thing to do. Flipped the 'Save Dean' breaker in Sam's head big-time! Scary as hell, but also impressive. And wonderful we got to see afterwards, when Sammy looked so lost and spent and empty, and Dean saw. Dean knows. Oh, boys! *wibble* :-)

~ Erin


bowtrunckle November 16 2007, 10:12:22 UTC
I just read your episode review and you pretty much articulated everything I'm currently incapable of saying! :)

I hope the "Save Dean" breaker gets flipped a lot more because, yes, that was slightly scary and impressive and just full of whoa-omg-no-way-this-is-unbelievable-in-such-a-cool-way that I don't think I breathed during that whole scene. The look on Sam's face when he was tearing off Gordon's head. OMG. He was staring AT GORDON'S FACE, right into his eyes, the whole freaking time! I didn't think Sam could get any more chilling than what we saw in BUaBS, but thankfully I was wrong.

when Sammy looked so lost and spent and empty

Gah! And the first thing his eyes flew to? Dean. Sam will always turn to Dean for reassurrance first ... like it's just a natural reflex. Good God, can you imagine what would happen to the poor boy if Dean really does end up Hell? Can you imagine the gigantic hole that will be left behind? And what will Sam fill that hole up with, hmmm? Wrath, vengence, rage, determination? lasdkfj.

... )


kuromatic November 16 2007, 15:08:31 UTC
giant smarty-pants cranium

Say no more! *laughs* I concur! I am wordless and postless but I salute all of you that can still articulate!


bowtrunckle November 16 2007, 18:42:50 UTC

I think I was a little hyper last night when I wrote that. :) But LJ and spaziness were made for each other so ... heh.

But even after a good night's sleep and some perspective "Fresh Blood" was a pretty awesome episode all around, the best yet of S3. I mean, how can you top Sam Winchester slicing Gordon's head off with razor wire and his bare hands? :)


(The comment has been removed)

bowtrunckle November 16 2007, 18:55:52 UTC
Is it possible to orgasm from lighting b/c yeah...lol

LOL. I don't think I should answer that. ;)

When are you going to do a meta about that? *bribes...begs...give puppy dog face a-la Padalecki* lol

Ack! No fair, you're pulling out the big guns (pada-puppy dog face)! It's been scientifically proven that that face is impossible to resist. Well, we do have quite a long hiatus until the next epidsode so.... *grins*

In my review, I called this subtle slash. *loves show*Oh good, I'm not the only one whose gaydar antennae were twitching. During that scene I was like, "Wha-?! Gordon and Kubric?" Gordon actually leans into Kubric as he's slumping over and dying all over him! OK, that wasn't slightly creepy and strangely intimate at all. In 3x03 Kubric goes on about how great Gordon is and what a terrific hunter he is and how many times Gordon's saved his life blah blah ... that's not feeding the slash flames at all. *wink* I guess we'll just have to see how many Gordon/Kubric slashy fics start popping up now. Heh, this show ( ... )


mwa ha ha ha !!!! times three! dianne_37 November 16 2007, 19:51:21 UTC
OOO, okay, to point out one thing you all missed.

In answer to 'are you sure that what you brought back is one hundred percent pure Sammy?'

It isn't Sammy!

*sniffles* He LITTERED in this episode!! Sammy wouldn't do that! He just wouldn't. Kill someone, yes. Litter, no! He tossed his beer bottle cap away carelessly.

Only true Sammies give a hoot and don't pollute!

Heeee! socannotwaittofindoutwhatyousayaboutthis!!!!!


Re: mwa ha ha ha !!!! times three! bowtrunckle November 17 2007, 07:34:29 UTC
LOL! You kill me!

Seriously, when Sam flicked his beer cap away, I thought, "Hey! Pick that up." No kidding.


Like everything else, blame it on the YED's anti-demonic virus blood pumping through Sam's veins. ;) Sam forgets to say "exuse me"? Blame it on the demon blood. Sam doesn't put down the toilet seat? Blame in on the demon blood. Sam leaves wet towels all over the floor? Demon blood. Sam forgets to use the Impala's turn signal when making a left-hand turn? Yep, demon blood again. Sam uses his hands to eat his dinner? Demon Blood. Sam litters. Two words: Demon Blood.

Seems like an awesome excuse. I need to find me some of that demon blood.


hugemind November 16 2007, 23:48:37 UTC
I really should read my flist for episode reviews before posting my own, because I could have just put a link to this and to erinrua's post to show what I wanted to say as you were much more articulate than me! I can't even flail properly because the ep was that freaking awesome! It'll take me days just to wear off the high the episode gave me and come down to the level where I can go all *squee* and *flail*.

I fully support this post! :)


bowtrunckle November 17 2007, 07:48:34 UTC
I saw that you did link to this post and erinrua's awesome episode review post. :) That was nice of you. *hugs ( ... )


hugemind November 17 2007, 13:25:38 UTC
I just had to add the links to your posts because they are my happy places and I need to have them nearby when I want to squee over this ep again. :) *hugs*

All I know is that I think I love Kim Manners.

Dude, I flailed, flailed, when I saw Kim's name (and Sera's) in the ep credits. It guarantees that we'll have good stuff coming! And now I'm reminded of the Con videos where JAck was talking about AHBL and CSPWDT and Kim... *happy sigh*

Lauren Cohen is a strong actor, very impressive.

Yeah, though I have to mention that I'm not a big fan of the accent, but that's just because I need to pay more attention to what she's saying to make sense of it. It's the whole British accent thing in general and not specifically hers... I think that she and Katie Cassidy are doing good work with the new characters. I know that some people are of different opinion, but the weaknesses Bela and Ruby may have are not their fault.

Anytime I get to see beyond the Dean and Sam hunting world, I'm all eyeballs because it's fascinating to see how the rest ( ... )


bowtrunckle November 20 2007, 02:45:25 UTC
I got a big kick out of seeing Bobby in a suit and now this?

Bobby in a suit! I'd forgotten about that. I want to know if John and Bobby ever hunted together. OH MAN, could you imagine both of them (their younger selves) walking around together in FBI get-ups? *glee* I have this interest in John lately. I have this image of Pastor Jim and Bobby sort of taking notquiteyetahunter!John and the two boys under their wings ... Bobby and Pastor Jim laying down the hunter's law to a still grieving John while the boys poke around Bobby's exorcism room, whispering and touching everything and "accidentally" making a huge mess. It would be all Sam's fault of course...

Dude, why is fic suddenly gnawing at my brain again? I thought I got rid of that bug months/year ago.

Oo ... fic about Bobby's pig hat! LOL!

I'm a big fan of layers. Except not on the boys. ;) *is side-tracked*

LOL! You and me both! Less cloth. More tight shirts and rolling around on the ground dirty and sweaty. *follows you happily down the side-tracked path*

I ( ... )


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