Underwear is The Limiting Factor

Sep 08, 2007 00:51

I'm in Vancouver for the weekend to do some climbing before I head up to northern B.C. for some ... bear dodging.

I was just reminded tonight that it's bear season (as in the bears are hungry, sleepy, and very crabby).  Duh, I don't know why I forgot about that when I packed.  Anyway, I didn't bring my bear banger (that is a real thing even though it sounds slightly perverse).  Oops.  Then I find out that there was a miscalculation at the office and there's 1/3 more work to be done than previously estimated.  Double oops.  Looks like I might not be back until early October.

These things are nice to know, especially being that I packed for two and a half weeks instead of almost four.  *head desk*  I will need more books.  And underwear.  
kjpzak, I'm now wishing I'd packed more of your DVDs and got the my hands on the BSG mini-series to have something to glue my eyeballs to.  But this is a good excuse to think about putting some of those story ideas on paper.  It's a race to see who the most shameless non-writer in our local writer's group is.  I think this just might be something I can win. *makes a face*

I'm happy to announce that my laptop has been ressurrected from the dead!  Horray!  Apparently I was so bereft without it last week that I feel compelled to take it into the woods with me.  Separation anxiety, what's that? ;)

If any of you are interested in joining me and my fannish ways in unbergeekdom, 
hugemind  and I are setting up a SPN community called 
spnematography  (translation Supernatural + cinematography = something that's hard to spell but sounds cool).  It'll deal with the visual aspects of the show and be a laid back and supportive place where like-minded people can share their ideas and insights (OMG, I'm making it sound like a hippie commune *snort*).  Everyone is welcome (bring you tie-dye)!  To join, go here.

I will leave you with a manip by 
fueschgast  (created in celebration of the Impala's 40th year) that made me laugh.  It seems like I'm not the only one with a hungry!hungry!hippo!Dean fascination.  :)

Take care f-list.  *hugs*

And ... bwahhh!

Which Supernatural Character Are You?

You're Sam Winchester.You have your dark moments, but you are not overcome by them. You have a temper, but it does not define you. You are genuinely kind and sensitive, but you are by no means weak. You've gone through a lot, and while it does affect some decisions you make in life, you have not been ruined by your experiences.You love and worry about those who are close to you. You do your best to help them out. You are an open ear for them if they need it.You are tough but not evil. You're one of the rare good guys.
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Perhaps this explains my need to write angst to the billionth degree--I'm a secret Sam.  *snort*  Pilfered from

meme, rl

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