Ficage and Chocolate Monsters

May 06, 2007 14:52

I made a fic journal.  HEE.  And I wrote some fics.  DoubleHEE.  Now before I get in trouble for fandom writing *hides* let me just say that OMGIWROTESOMETHING!  HIYA! Writer's block, I banish you!  *karate kick*

You can check out my new alias
palavrae  and journal here. New scribblings are posted: Chapter 3 of my HP action fic (Strength of Three), a bit-o-something for The House of X, and my first SPN angst fest called  Every Little Space Once Filled.  Also, I finally named that Ginny-centric, first person PoV, post-Hogwarts fic I previewed here months ago, which means that I'm now committed to finishing it :)  It's now called What Remains Unspoken.

This new journal is just for fics.  I'll be keeping this 
bowtrunckle  journal for personal updates.  Feel free to friend me.  I'm will be updating the fic journal as I still have to catch up with Consequence and Redemption and put up a backload of silly ficlets I wrote a while back but never posted or submitted anywhere.  I'll be posting ALL of my stories in the new journal regardless if I submit them to archives or not.  :)

On a more caloric note....

My husband and I have a deal.  Everytime he gets a paper published in a refereed journal, I make him a dessert.  Because this particular paper was difficult and he had to do additional experiments after the first round of reviews, I decided to make him an "extra special" something.  Four hours later, a kitchen full of dirty bowls, and chocolate all over me (my jeans, my shirt, my fingers, and my face, in particular the mouth area ... gee, how'd that happen?) this is what magically appeared:

Look what 1.5 lbs of semi-sweet chocolate can do.  Note the HEALTHY fruit on top *sniggers*!

Normally the dessert isn't a problem being that in the past he eats it all (or nearly all of it).  However, I've managed to mow down about 3 pieces of this thing in the last couple of days (dessert for lunch is fun) and it's still around.  I won't mention how many pieces A's had already.  My jeans are feeling tight!  Ack.  This is my first double-decker cake, and I've learned my lesson: never make something that can't be eaten in less than 24 hours by other people.

Who's coming over for dessert?  I'm serious. 

hox, chocolate, palavrae, hp fandom, writing, spn fandom, fics

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