Dec 30, 2007 04:39
i hope you all had a nice yule. i would have sent cards, called, etc..but im a deadbeat friend. its hard enough to give family you dont live with the attention, especially for me, im lazy, i never call anyone. sometimes i feel bad, but then the 2nd perspective kicks in, and says, why feel bad when your not going to call them after feeling bad. Yule went quite well for me, i had the day off, i got lots of tea, incense, socks, cloths, book, movie..
I been a little low-key recently. Im always sick of my surroundings here, so i spend a lot of my time reading and being a hobbyist. I thought i would quit my job and be living the life of adventure, but im still in routine;though i have no fucking worries whatsoever about job, school, people, life, death. I have no connection to my material shit. I could just easily live on the street and die there and not give a fuck, not to sound all tough, but im lucky to live to the age of 22, i could be fighting trench warfare in a time not so distant
i dont even care about bettering society anymore, its doomed, everyones still not going to recycle, drive fuel-eating hummers, and be narcisstic...i have ideals i abide by, and im not going to debate with anyone because its so tiresome to get the point across to people that are in a dream world, maybe if im lucky Oprah and CNN will tell them to jump off a cliff.