it seems to almost every girl i talk to has been raped, in some subtle form or another. first thing i think is, men are fucking worthless bastards. Its not all men though. Its a small fraction, the players, that mentally play the majority of woman and use them for sex. The reason, there is no fucking honour in this day of age. It died after ww2
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As for, "Most men act like really feeble women, anyway."
who exactly defines what a male or female should act like..society?. bah. fuck gender roles.
you have no idea of what its like to be a woman. period.
You are correct, Not a clue what it's like to be a woman, as I am a man and can never understand what it is like to be a woman and vice versa. Therefore, why should we 'fuck gender roles'? Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
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