Sep 13, 2007 03:47
Things underway, as usuall are as awful as could be. Just... nothing will stop breaking, heh. we just figured out one fault. I have in my pocket, a resistor that's in almost everything electronic on the planet, and yet this paticular one, could've let us get hit by a fucking missle, lol. just weird sometimes how it works out, you know? We'll fix it.
I am sick of most people onboard... only a select few that i give the slightest amount of shit about. Just counting down the days till i leave here. Right now, the only thing open is dahlgren and great lakes. I would personally like to go back up to great lakes, but i don't want to take tracee that far away from her family, plus i liked dahlgren alot too. I don't have much to gain or lose either way, so i will go with the decision that makes us all o.k. and happy :-)
I miss home increadibly. Emily is standing up by herself, and is already practicing walking. She's going to go nuts, when she figures that one out, lol. but it's going to be alright. Jake is a good boy and learned that ants are not allowed to steal his bike and that they go smash! lol.
Well i have to get back to work. i can only afford to take so many breaks from my work before i end up feeling it for a lot longer, lol.