Nov 17, 2005 15:46
Jim's sister goes on every now and then how pitbulls are bad dogs to have because of their temperaments.Yesterday she even went on to say that 3 pitbulls killed 6 people because they just snapped.She doesn't want her kids around pitbulls either,which her boyfriend's close friend is now an owner of from a previous bad intentions friend,i guess.Jim's sister's view basically is that a dog has an inborn temperament that cannot be changed and that all dogs in the breed with bad temperaments are dangerous.
Back when I was in community college in San Diego,my English teacher for my 2nd semester had an interesting view on this topic.
We had to do a research paper on heated topics,someone chose to research the banning of animals with bad temperaments.She went on to say she's friends with people who have dogs known to have bad temperaments.She's even gone to these people's houses and was scared of the dog.She said from her experience and talking to these people that the dog's breed doesn't decide the animals temperament,but their upbringing does.If an animal is born to an aggressive owner they will be that,too.Now,if they're taken away from this aggressive owner while they're young we didn't touch that topic.
And of course this leads to a poll...
Poll animal temperaments
Now,I'm going to give my brain a rest.I thought too hard on this entry and don't even know if I made sense,I hope I did.