Happy V-Day!
It's been awhile since I've written, but I feel like my life has had a definite lack of drama to report lately...
I am graduating in THREE months! I cannot wait. It has been fun to spend time with friends since Spring semester started up, but I am really itching to be done with college. My schedule is fairly easy, with just 3 classes. It has been hard to readjust to a class schedule, rather than going to my internship site every day. I miss the kids from my internship last semester and hope I can keep up my visits to see them. Thankfully, I will still be able to do some fieldwork in my "Issues and Perspectives in Aging" class this semester! (Hooray for visiting Alzheimer's patients!)
Andy and I are still together for almost 9 months, and we are as happy as ever. We had a great time when he visited last weekend and I am taking him on a mystery trip this weekend for his 22nd birthday. Can't wait.
I have applied to seven graduate programs around the country, five of which are for getting my Master's of Social Work (MSW) and two of which are for getting my Master's of Education (M.Ed) in School Counseling. So far, I have heard word from Georgia State University MSW and I have been accepted. Until I hear back from the other schools, my plans for next fall will be undetermined. It is all so exciting!
Much love to all. Until next time, here are some cures for any potential boredom you may be experiencing.
These are fun...please participate and you might get some candy.
http://kevan.org/johari?view=megansuehttp://kevan.org/nohari?view=megansue Honestly,you probably won't get candy, but it sounded enticing.
1) using band names, spell out your name
These are not necessarily like "my jams," yo...
Alice in Chains
Nickel Creek
2) have you ever had a song written about you?
Mmm maybe I myself have written one about me...
3) what song makes you cry?
Ben Folds's "Late" (written in memorial of Elliott Smith)
4) what song makes you happy?
Elton John's "Your Song"
5) what do you like to listen to before bed?
Something that will calm me down...
height: 5' 1" (basically)
hair color: brown
skin color: pale-assed white girl
eye color: hazel
piercings: ears, 1 in each
tattoos: 0
r i g h t n o w
what color pants are you wearing?: Is denim a color? They are not quite blue. Kind of blue-grey.
what taste is in your mouth?: Residue from a Valentine's cookie cake. Yum. Thanks, Erin.
what's the weather like?: Sunny and cold
how are you?: slightly chilly, missing my boy, thinking about food
d o y o u ?
get motion sickness?: Oh, brother, it's bad news.
have a bad habit?: I'm neurotic.
get along with your parents?: Yeah, just don't tell them the things they don't need to know.
like to drive?: Yeah, but not for more than 4 hours straight. The last 2 hours to and from Georgia are obnoxious.
f a v o r i t e s
tv show: Strangers with Candy, That '70s Show, The Simpsons, A Baby Story, Designers' Challenge, House Hunters
conditioner: Garnier Fructis
book: Anything Jane Austen, Great Expectations, Jane Eyre, Catcher in the Rye, and a few others.
non alcoholic drink: Cranberry juice
thing to do on the weekend: Watch movies like the film slut that I am.
h a v e y o u
broken the law: Who hasn't?
ran away from home: Started to, around age 7. I packed a brown bag of barbies and headed down the street only to turn back crying.
snuck out of the house: Mmm...not really. I need to spice things up.
ever gone skinny dipping: Yeah, in the middle of the summer, in public, in the middle of the day.
made a prank phone call: My bro and sis and I used to do it all the time to poor souls named "Harry Dick."
ever tipped over a porta potty: *vomits* No.
used your parents' credit card before: We have a joint account.
skipped school before: Mmm slept through stuff or felt to anxious to go, yeah.
been in a school play: Yessir.
l o v e
boyfriend/girlfriend: Very happily involved with a sir Andrew Drinkard.
been in love: Yes.
had a hard time getting over someone: Yes.
been hurt: Yes.
your greatest regret: Making dumb decisions or not standing up for myself in past relationships.
gone out with someone you only knew for three days: Mmm...don't think so.
r a n d o m
do you have a job: Techincally,I have two jobs at the library, but I don't have any hours right now.
your cd player has in it right now: Mmm...Cat Stevens?
if you were a crayon what color would you be?: Some kind of burgundy or earthy brownish.
what makes you happy: Feeling like I have helped somebody, writing, watching movies, reading for pleasure (for the first time in my life!), being with Andy, being with family & friends.
what's the next cd you're gonna get?: I want to listen to more Carole King.
w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
time you cried: Two nights ago.
you got e-mail: Coupla hours ago.
thing you purchased: Veggie burger from the student center.
tv program you watched: Bringing Home Baby
movie you saw in the theater: Brokeback Mountain
y o u r t h o u g h t s o n
teenage smoking: It's a shame that kids get hooked so young, but I have been there, so I understand how it goes.
drinking: Mmmmm, delicious
weed: Our yard in NC needs some better landscaping. Oh, you mean THAT weed? Teehee. Fun times.
mushrooms: I like to eat mushrooms.
e: Dunno what that is. I am not too hip on this drug thing.
acid: Burning sensation!
everything else: Mmmyeah.