Well button me britches!
Happy birthday to you, MetalHeart!
Sorry this is tardy, but we were in Jamaica doing a few benefit concerts for folks who'd been hit hard by Hurricane Ivan.
Last time we'll ever do that- the accommodations there were atrocious! I was like "hello, where can I plug in my laptop so I can play Tetris" and they were all like, "my home and family just got destroyed," blah blah blah. I mean hello, world's tinest violin playing "my entire life has just been devestated" concerto in e minor!!!
Now mind you I'm not unsympathetic, but let's be realistic. I happen to NEED to play Tetris to unwind before a gig and I think that should take precedence to all this "rebuilding our homes" and "finding the bodies of our loved ones" nonsense. I have to say that if they spent HALF as much time restocking their hotel mini-bars as they do driving around giving food and aid to people- hotel guests would never be wanting for a "Twix" or a "Mello Yello" again.
But that's neither here nor there, so lets not dwell. My reason behind this post was to wish MetalHeart a most happy and joyous birthday! Hope it was a lot of fun. And don't feel bad about being 19. 19 is a great age to be. Old enough to make sweet love on a bearskin rug in front of a roaring fire (after sipping champagne out of a fine ladies slipper) and yet young enough to ignore social mores and flaunt your independence, preferably by wearing funny buttons with comedy slogans such as "If you can read this, you're too close" and "Mothers Against Drunk Driving."
Take my word for it, being 19 is great! I mean for most people, that is. I didn't enjoy it much, because when I was 19, I was a rent boy at the wharf, hustling my ass to support my smack habit.
But, um, if anyone asks, please say I was studying music at Oxford, because that's what it says in my "official" bio. But I figure I can be honest here, because we're all china, right?
In any case, I'll close by saying the following:
So it is written, so it shall be!
You know, I've always had my sneaking suspicions it was Eli playing Ian, but now I think it's Noah!
I have my reasons hehehehe.
<33 sorry I had to share...