Aug 20, 2016 16:19
ok, so i admit it...i saw it too. i was very curious.
i love how my mom got me this toilet paper with a trail of paw prints that lead up to theis golden retreiver puppy.....
its supposed to give me a limit on the amount of pieces i can use.....but i think my mom just thought it was cute. it was suppossedly on this huge sale or something.
it reminds me of my old dog, zipper zelda...(yes, named after zelda fitzgerald)
and this weekend was my Grandma's Bday! we celebrated opn saturday, and it was so sweet because when she woke up this morning, she said "oh my, i just wish today could be just as wonderful as yesturday. i wish it could happen again."
when i looked into the irony of that sentence, it gave me a sad tingle feeling <--(i think i just made that feeling up...but yall catch my frift)
and then when we came back from Naples today, we stopped at Publix for lunch. the lady was making my tuna sub, and then we ust started talking. she told me about her grandchildren andi told her about how i visited my gramma for her bday and we just got into such a conversaion, finally i looked behind me and realizedhow long the line was. the guy behind me just said "can you have the lady shut up and have her finish your sandwitch"
i just wanted to snap at him back and be like "you jerk!" but i didnt. but i did let the lady finsih her story. she was sweet