I finally did it

Mar 21, 2005 13:26

Ok so i couldn't be happier right now of what i did last wednesday.

But before i get to Wednesday need to update on some other stuff. My dad has retired from GM after working there for 39 years+ which i'm proud of him and i'm really going to enjoy having him home in the morning except when he tries to wake me up. His methods of waking me up are the utmost annoying ones. Plus just about 3 weeks ago my Dad bowled a 299 and is going to be getting a jacket and some other stuff to go along with it. He didn't decide to get a ring which bummed out a little but oh well.

K here is the really good stuff that has happened to me over the past couple of weeks. Last wednesday i bowl with my dad and for the previous couple of weeks i've been doing really badly and i couldn't fix my problems to save my life =(. So as usual i come in and practice is already down to the last 5 mins. or so. So i get my stuff on and get to throw about 4 blows which were all pocket shots but they i was leaving pins up which didn't make me happy. I end up shooting spares until the 4th of the first game and then starting throwing strikes to the 9th. I made a mistake and missed my spare in the tenth and shoot 230. So we end up losing the first game by 30-50 pins or so and i wasn't to pleased so i was out for revenge the next game. I picked up right were i was throwing strikes and was perfect through 5 frames. I kept the string of strikes alive to the 9th frame and by now i was a nervous reck. For those who have bowled and have come close to a 300 you would know how i'm feeling when i'm getting up in the 10th. frame. So when i get up in the 10th i'm shaking so bad that it took me about 10 min. to calm myself down in order to throw the ball. I finally threw the ball and i hit my mark which made me happy and the ball found the pocket and i got a strike so i'm clean through 10. Now the adrenaline is really pumping and i'm doing all that is possible to calm me down. I was able to throw my ball a little sooner cause i got the courage to throw it. I put a little too much speed on it and was worrying if it was going to get back. The ball actually did come back and left a 10 pin solid but i fell down when i saw the 10 pin standing and didn't see another pin come across the lane and hit the 10 pin and knocked it over so i got the 11th strike and i'm down to one last ball. Right now i'm probably the worst of all considering that i have about 30+ people over near the set of lanes that i'm on chearing for me. I finally get up, take a REALLY big breath to relax myself, i threw my ball and i couldn't have been happier with the ball that i threw, it was a flush shut and it sent 10 pins into the pit for my first ever 300 game!!!!!

so that was my last week. I don't know what is going to happen this week in terms of bowling so i will have to wait and see. But i am getting a 10 karot gold ring and i really couldn't be happier with myself. I almost cried because i couldn't believe that it finally happen. Over all the streak of strikes ended at 17 strikes all together.

So that's it for me i will try to update later.

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