In graduating from college, I had one worry that overshadowed the rest. Employment I could find. People have found work throughout the ages and the modern world is unable to let its citizens starve. I need not concern myself with survival. Hence, the greatest concern is not one of fulfilling the base needs but in fulfilling the existential needs:
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Regarding your comment of the master keeping the journeyman as an apprentice... if the apprentice was truly worthy of becoming a journeyman, he wouldn't have to be told. He would find out what it is that he doesn't know, and learn it (if not from the current master, than from a different master). It is not skill but ambition that separates the journeyman from the apprentice.
People that have jobs and spend them waiting for the weekend are the 'perpetual apprentices' and could improve their lives simply by figuring out what they want to do with their lives. In essence, it is not the system that keeps people down, but the willingness to settle that prevents people from rising up to the pinnacles of achievement they should be able to reach.
Think about this the next time you think your job sucks.
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