Why why WHY?

Apr 09, 2012 02:56

Urghhhh! I get too frustrated at everything way too easily. I can't figure out why this is and have never been able to since high school. I CAN'T STAND THIS.

It's one thing to be this way, but it's another to be this way and to have it affect daily life. I think it does this for me. Whether it's bowling, work...just everything.

I'm having trouble putting my thoughts here onto this computer screen here, but good God I need a place to vent (even if it's seldomly read).

You know what's frustrating with work? Despite the fact that being a Night Auditor is extremely easy as long as you know what you're doing, it's still irritating to have to do someone else's job to add on to your own duties. I'm not even talking about the flubs at the front desk, hey, shit happens. But having to set up the BREAKFAST for someone? I mean, sure, it's easy, but why am I doing a job that's designated for someone else? And no exaggeration, Reggie doesn't stock shit ever. Making my job that much more time consuming and keeping me away from the desk a lot longer than needed. And guess who gets blamed for not answering the phone right away? Just. Ugh.

Y'know, it's shit like this that made me leave Taco Bell again. People are nice to work with, I can handle that. But how can the GM of the store be that FUCKING TERRIBLE at communicating? If you have an important message to send to someone and know what's going to be involved in the message, do you know how long it takes to send a text message to someone? Less than a minute. Hell, for some, it's less than 10 seconds. You know how easy it is to pick out "Jon" in your contacts and hit the "CALL JON" button on your phone? It's simple, people! It's not worth my time, the money, the effort to deal with people like this! At least at the Wingate, I was told a month in advance of my extra duties, even if it is bullshit. And even if someone is extremely grouchy at work, at least they tells me when something is going on that I need to know about. Unbelievable.

Bowling has only been slightly frustrating just due to losing, which never makes anyone happy. I love bowling, but I'm competitive, too.

I have no idea what caused my source of frustration and general mopey-ness today after church. What's also frustrating is that I can't pin-point it, like I usually do. If I had to, I think it's because I felt like such a hassle today. I feel like a hassle to people all the time. People go out of their way for me too much, and I take it for granted or I over-analyze every single little thing that anyone does and I take it the wrong way. God, I don't know what's wrong with me.

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