Mar 03, 2008 14:35
wedding update:
my invitatations will be sent to print tomorrow. YAY. they're pink and black and have a faded pink fleur de lis in the background. they're super personalized..and crazy untraditional. but chris and i love them.
my bridal shower invitations are ordered. they're SUPER fucking cute. we ordered them at fabulous.
my videographer has won videographer of the year! that's rather exciting. soooo...i'll have a kick ass video along with kick ass photos. -g-
i booked my room. as of yet, the honeymoon cruise is still not booked. -l- it's paid for. the flights are not. rawr. so many things are not paid for. -l- i'm trying not to stress over this. otherwise, i will hyperventilate.
my mom was great this weekend, though. actually, both of my parents were. chris surprised me and flew in. it was fabulous. we spent the weekend together. we played trivia saturday night. he was on my mom's team since i didn't know he'd be in and had a team already. it was for charity. needless to say, my mom's team sucked the worse and won 200 bucks for it. lol. of course, since it's for charity, they donated it all back. but it's still funny nonetheless. we had a great time.
anyways, i'm exhausted. next week is LEAP testing. i've got a ton of essays to grade. handkerchiefs to stamp. a million things to do. rawr. drop me a line if you need me!