Striaght outta the movie waiting lol

Jul 07, 2006 13:38

So today and yesterday have acutally been good days, I havent been my extremly depressed self. And today was also asshole server day, where it was basically kids working. Me(21), Alica(22), Eric and kyle(20). First i laugh because certain people are really stupid. Not just cause i have an example but i honestly feel that some ppl are worthless in life and are truly stupid. But anyway, one funny story... kyle had a table today, one man and one woman. Who i have previously waited on and they were dickheads, nothing i did was right and all the food was horrible so i felt bad for kyle when they started giving him the same shit. The man finally is just like, "this chicken is horrible give me new chicken." doesnt even ask, just tells, jerk. Anyway, he had a chicken ceaser salad and also wanted a different kind of salad with new chicken on it. So kyle goes into the back and starts remaking the salad himself and instead of cooking new chicken just puts the same chicken on the new salad. Brings it to the table, checks on them 5 minutes later while im at a table near by. "So how is everything?" "The chicken is much better thank u for changing it" "Not a problem sir" hahaha i dont know if its cause i work at a resturant but i thought that was great. stupid ass, prolly didnt taste any different u just wanted a free meal.

Second story, this one is better. Keeping in mind i personally have never done anything a persons food before. Alica had a table of 2 women who ordered beer battered fish dinners. It comes with 3 peices of fish. When she goes to take the fish out one peice falls off the plate and on to the floor. Its just me and her standing in the back while im rolling sliverware. While i havent noticed yet, alica is bending to the floor and watching me the whole time. I finally notice and im like "dude what are u doing?" Shes like, "i dont know what to do!" of course in my head im like well duh just ask of another peice, but instead i say, "dude u know what u have to do" lol So she picks up the fish and puts it back on the plate and serves it to the people. Its not like at home when u drop food and its like the 10 second rule, once it hits the floor here its considered infested in my head. The way the floor looks with us walking on, stepping in shit and walking by, plus whatever falls to the floor. Thats just discusting. The lady also told her that things were UMMMMmmHummmmm. hahahaa. Im prolly totally grossing someone out. And i honestly felt bad for the lady later on, but a lil bit of me thought about all the ppl who have been assholes to me recently at work and i didnt so much mind.

Last lil story. Alica once again is pulling food and is leaning over a club snadwhich. We're all laughing hard at what just happened the minute before when i look over at her to see her laughing so hard that she drools right on top of the sandwhich. Just a lil droplet. hahahaa im sorry but that was priceless. And i know no one is gonna want to eat here, and all i can think about is other resturants and what they prolly do to my food, or karma and since i didnt do anything to stop it im gonna get food that fell on the floor and get food poisioning or something. But honestly i havent laughed that hard in i would guess a month. So whatever.

I didnt like the movie waiting very much, i thought the plot was stupid and that they were gonna do more food shit, but i think i want to rent it and see if i just judged too fast.
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