scary dream from last night..

Jul 11, 2005 12:02

Bowielover23: i was sitting on like airplane feild
Bowielover23: with jamie my manager
Bowielover23: and someone else
Bowielover23: and we were just talking
Bowielover23: and then those lasers things were coming
Bowielover23: like in the movie
Bowielover23: excpet instead of it hitting just the ppl it was just taking everything out like indpendance day style
Bowielover23: and i was like shit dudes were not gonna make it if were sitting outside the building in the feild
Bowielover23: so i get up and start hauling ass
Bowielover23: and the whole building is glass so i can see through it
Bowielover23: and i run through it out the other side and can see the laser thing take out my two friends
Bowielover23: and im runingg, and looking back at it catchin up to me
Bowielover23: and running
Bowielover23: and looking back
Bowielover23: and running
Bowielover23: and finally for some reason i close my eyes and say
Bowielover23: "its time to meet my maker"
Bowielover23: and the laser thing goes over me
Bowielover23: but it picks me uip
Bowielover23: and my feet kinda go up into the air so my heads facing the ground
Bowielover23: and i can feel it on me
Bowielover23: not like a burning though
Bowielover23: just like some heat all around
Bowielover23: and im asking myself questions
Bowielover23: like
Bowielover23: will i know im dead?
Bowielover23: am i dead?
Bowielover23: and it just kinda feels like my insides are expanding
Bowielover23: but it doesnt hurt
Bowielover23: and then i wake up
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