School = Gay

Jan 17, 2005 13:36

Thanks to Kerry and Jay for coming down, always nice to have company. Also nice to see john, billy, jeff, and collin. I hope they all had fun. <3

Just checked my eiu mail, receiving a letter saying that ive been droped from my accounting class. Y iunno they didnt say, just said i have to return my book now or suffer. I can only guess its because the pre rec for that class is the one i took in summer school and over break harper was closed and i couldnt get my grades transfered. Fucking lame. THey wont let u trasnfer the shit online cause they are stupid, and u have to walk in. So i asked brett if he would turn in my sheet but they havent gone back to school yet. FUCK i just realized that means im only taking 11 hours then cause one of mine is only a 2 credit class. I think im seriously about to cry. That means im not a full time student therefor what about finanical aid? DO i just take some random ass class? THis fucking sucks stupid fucking school. Its like i pay all this money to take these classes that dont even count for credit bc i have too in order to take the ones above it, but then i cant get into certain classes until i take other ones and now i have to wait for my grades to go through. The accounting class im in is now locked and u cant get into it. I dont know if i should call my advisor dude and see if he can switch it or jsut join some other class. IM so angry and frustrated right now. I feel like no matter how hard i try im just never gonna catch up. If i dont take accouting thats like 3 classes i have to take in the summer to be a full jr. in the fall. Whoopie for getting a night job then. Summer is now going to suck and im now very unhappy. Thank u college for making me feel fantastic about life.
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