Scary Monsters and Super Creeps!

Nov 04, 2006 03:42

Hey everyone! It's me, your favorite semi-misanthrope, back from another exciting week here in hell, erm... I mean on Earth.

The Halloween party was soooo much fun! We had fun games, and DDR, and food, and I made Puerco Pibil, and Steven was there, and we had loads of fun! Everyone dressed up, (well... with exception to the adult-type people), and we played an awesome balloon game, had a costume contest, and a zombie impersonation contest. Big prizes were had, and I still can't get over the fact that Steven won the teddy bear. *snirt* Tank Girl, you rock! ^_^ I wish Shawn could have stayed longer, but he had to go to work. :(
After everyone but Steven and Jenny went home, we watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail. And Steven sat next to me on the couch. O_O And pinched my knee. @_@

Trick or treating with him was even better. On Halloween night, I made a big pot of (beanless)chili and cornbread, and he and Jenny came over early enough to eat dinner with us. Steven's costume changed from what it was at the party. At the party, he was a journeyman mage. On Halloween night, he was the Dread Pirate Roberts, aka Westley. I wish I could have found my deb gown. I could have improvised Buttercup. But I fear that the gown would have been far too big for me. Instead, I went not as Arthur Dent, but Mort Rainey. I love being a psychotic novelist. Anyways, so we ate, and then went on our way. My sisters and I have a ritual we do every year on Halloween. We find the nearest playground slide, climb to the top, howl, and then shout "Happy Halloween!". This year, Steven and Jenny joined in, and I think they rather enjoyed it.
Then we went on trick-or-treating. Steven tried to steal my candy. Granted, I was going to give it to him anyway after we got home, but you just don't try to grab things out of my hands unless you want to die. His hand was on the bag, and my free hand went to his hand, and the funniest thing happened. Everything either froze, or... neither of us wanted to let go. It was amazing. I remember thinking afterwards that it was a little odd that both of us should have held onto the bag that long. I also seem to remember vaguely... threatening to bite him if he didn't let go. Perhaps that's why it didn't last any longer than it did. He also gave me odd looks. Not bad odd, really good odd.
*rolls eyes* I don't think he's as stupid about my feelings for him as everyone thinks he is. And I have suspicions that he shares at least some of them for me, albeit perhaps unknowingly. I do believe, however, that he is afraid of being hurt. And because of that, he will not consciously invest any emotions, or any kind of relationship outside of friendship with me, until he knows that I will not betray him or let him down, and that he can trust me. I would never do anything to betray his trust. I know how it feels. In a way, I feel the very same about him. Although I may be a little more open about my feelings, my love is not given freely. It must be earned. It's pretty obvious that he's well on his way to earning it.

Anyways, that's what's happening in Ashley-Land. Not much since Halloween. I had to navigate my mum to Canby and back, but that's pretty much it.

On a side note, tomorrow is November the 5th. I don't care if I'm not British, I'm still going to celebrate it by watching V for Vendetta. Viva la revolucion.

"Remember, remember the 5th of November
the gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
why the gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot."
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