I didn’t realize I had so many unposted shots!
healthy Boober
even a small bit of attention was gratefully accepted (and that sweatshirt was won in a raffle, I was never SFFD):
bum nub!
I would bet she weighed 10lbs around this time...good, solid but healthy kitty weight!
any time she could get on my lap, she’d be so happy!
KISSES! (oh, phew!!)
nubby, mutilated (declawed) toes:
Please do not ever declaw your cats. It is an amputation of their toes to the first knuckle...that is the entire hunk of YOUR finger that houses the nail and nailbed. Imagine typing with fingers that had been amputated...grabbing things...touching things...that pain never goes away. Imagine if YOUR TOES had that first nail chopped off...the agonizing pain every day as you walked on those mutilated feet. Nerve endings that would forever be overly sensitive. There are other options to declawing, such as keeping their nails trimmed twice per month (easy to do at home),
Soft Paws nail covers, retraining them not to claw things by providing proper places for them TO scratch and rewarding them for doing so, and spritzing them with water (not in the face) to scare them away when you catch them clawing something. Never scold them and then immediately put them on the proper thing - they’ll probably associate the two. Either scold and chase away, or just grab them and put them immediately on the PROPER scratching post and praise them. Scratching posts should have a good, solid base so that it won’t tip over when kitty scratches, and tall enough so that kitty can stretch out. Alpine scratchers are cheap and cats LOVE them (they’re slanted, and made of cardboard...about $20 at most chain pet stores). You can find a VERY cheap cat tower that’ll go to your ceiling at WalMart.
KatWALLks Cat Furniture, Cat Trees, Cat Perches is an AWESOME alternative to cat towers, and if you MUST let your kitty outdoors (*coughMARIAHcough*), please consider the
Cat Fence-In cat containment system for your back yard. One can even take that idea and get the parts from a local store and save money doing it that way.