Rant about Proposition 2

Nov 06, 2005 12:31

Ello Ello! Would the world come to an end if we allowed same sex marriages? I think not! I understand we all have our own beliefs and what not. But come on now, not allowing two people who love each other get married, and letting the rest of "straight" America make a mockery of marriage with "The Bachelor and Bachelorette." Some people these days do get married for the right reasons, but most do not. I just don't understand these people who are for banning same sex marriages. I'm sure they all that at least have two or more gay family members. I don't want to be responsible for any unhappiness for my child. If my child decides to be gay, good. I just hope that they will be able to get married if they wanted to. I don't want my child to come to me in twenty five years and say they are so heartbroken because they cannot get married.
It's so fucking lame to say, "god is against it." I thought God was supposed to love all of us. To forgive everyone. If Jesus can forgive the people who nailed him to the cross, I'm sure he can forgive a person for loving someone unconditionally regardless if that person is homosexual.
If this stupid proposition passes it's not going to stop same sex relationships. It's just going to let those close-minded people sleep better at night knowing that the world is safe from same sex marriages. I don't understand why people cannot understand that this country is not supposed to be run on religion. Americans take pride in our differences to an extent. If you don't like something, then YOU don't do it. I may not agree with abortion, but that means I'm not going to go have one. But other women should have the choice to make that decision, and live with their choices.
Sorry I just went on this rant because of the upcoming elections, and reading some stupid fucking editorial in the caller times. Blah!
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