random LOL
also I'll be posting some stuff I'm selling exclusively here, ONLY on Bowie Daily... old timers get first crack, but don't be discouraged if you're a n00b... there's gonna be LOTS, much more than the amount of money one person could have spare and as a true Bowie Lover and not a money lover I'll be selling for mostly cost of postage.
This is a 30 year old collection that should be shared not sitting in my apartment being loved by only me.
Stay tuned Queen Bitches.
(i made this, it's not real)
(Um not exactly work or family safe below)
YEP now go look at the previous pic again. I'm not the Sweet Head of the COA for nothing dear.
On a related but less happy note... geocities is ending their service in October, which effectively kills the HUGE amount of work myself and Cyran9 put into
So please go and enjoy / download this shit while it lasts in 2 months it will all be gone... :-(
We've both decided this is kind of fitting since The Area's actual Bowie is basically retired also.
Steph/Areafan... most of the Earthling/Reality part of my collection is still on it's way to you for free... I really am a woman of my word just incredibly busy and SLOW. (But I got money to afford all the postage to you now)
"Love On Ya"