Chris Richardson on Idol show in Houston, TX

Sep 07, 2007 10:45

The Chris R and Blake medley is next. I’m not calling it Cake because of the implications that come with it. I just don’t buy that they are in a relationship, sorry. Chris R starts Ain’t No Sunshine on the stage alone. Chris R was another big surprise for me. When I first saw the spoilers from the Sunrise show I was shocked at how much he was in the show. It really seemed like “The Chris Richardson Show.” A little more than halfway through the Tampa show I was talking with one of the group and we were both astounded by the fact that it really kinda was “The Chris Richardson Show”…and that wasn’t a bad thing! He is a very charismatic performer and he also seems to have benefited from the vocal coaching. The nasally singing is almost completely gone. It it’s place is a really nice tone actually. Very soulful. He’s also not hard on the eyes. He and Blake play off each other well. I was disappointed that the backup singers seemed to overpower them both in Houston. It’s not necessary at all. The backup singers even overpowered Melinda at one point.

During Geek in the Pink I can’t help but remember the night he performed it on the show. I thought he ran over the song. I’d seen Jason Mraz perform it live, and seemed to remember being able to hear the words. My mother - who until then had been allergic to AI and for some reason chose that night to watch it - declared that he was the only performer she felt had any stage presence. She said he was the only one who “made sense” as a performer. Coming from an old beatnik (her words) who’s been to some pretty historical concerts and seen some pretty well known acts in her day, that was a real compliment. Any other performer from any other year had been dismissed in the few seconds it took to change the channel. Including Taylor. I was so focused that night on my preconceived notions of how that song should be performed that I hadn’t paid attention to the performance. On the tour stage I could see it. I love Blake, and I think he will be a superstar. I love his style and music and I have high hopes for his first album. Given that, I have a great deal of respect for Chris Richardson as a performer. He truly owns the stage any time he is on it. I have yet to hear the result of his highly touted songwriting ability so I can’t say how I feel about him as an artist, but I anxiously await the opportunity.


So, just as the audience is catching it’s breath and the roof is putting itself firmly back in place, Chris R hits the stage for his solo. By this time Chris has already been a part of seven numbers. Also, by this time he has the entire audience eating out of the palm of his hand. The effect was more noticeable in Houston, but present in both shows. Almost the entire place was on it’s feet and singing along throughout This Love. I preferred Tampa if only for the fact that the backing vocals weren’t as loud.

Read Erinn’s full recap here

chris rich, american idol

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