As some of you know, I have a Hotch/Reid fanfiction archive at
delicious, and it's getting bigger, much to my delight. (Thank you for writing, guys!)
As it turned out, my small archive has become of use to some of my H/R fellows and I was asked to join the wonderful staff of the wonderment that is I Knew You'd Understand community on
Twitter and
Blogger. It's been a lot of fun and I'd love you guys to join in on the fun. Check out the names of the staff if you need some validation of said fun (and awesomeness!). It's sure driven me to write more H/R. :D
Speaking of writing, I finished a fic last night. The first one in months! It's Reid-centric general story (or pre-slash H/R if you're one-track minded like I am, lol). It'll be up soon. Hope to see you guys there!
I'll leave you with the reason why H/R rules!
Yep. Even TG ships it. <3