Okay, I'm totally out of the loop. Like totally. Because once upon a time, I was completely obsessed with Brokeback Mountain and its awesome fandom. I read hundreds of BBM fics, some of which are way more published worthy than a lot of crap in book stores these days. That was when I was introduced to this RPS shipping called 'Jaustin,' and I
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Oh, and there's this popular blog called 'Waiting for Toothy' (http://waitingfortoothy.blogspot.com/). Their posts are hilarious and pretty informative. I'm planning on stalking that blog as soon as I have some free time, haha. Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon.
I think I'm flooding your Inbox too.
(I'm in need of some Jaustin icons, lol)
There is another great blog about them
This is just adorable: http://bp3.blogger.com/_YcsRkF6yBLI/Ry77G1FoK7I/AAAAAAAAAWA/0i0ySbYvhRk/s1600-h/J%26A+together+3+copy.jpg
Take a look at this sweet video:
I think I've seen that footage before, but never paid attention to the Jaustiness, lol.
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