Mar 15, 2005 14:55
I think this is weird. Monday morning i go to work. The superintendent opens the door and i try to get into the breakroom but the door is locked. it's an interior door which is never locked. ever. so i say " hey dan, did ya lock the door friday when you left?" he says "no, why?" and i say " cuz it is" so he has to go back out and aaround to the other door because this door is never locked and nobody has a key to it. so we finally get in and i'm fiending for a caffeine fix. i had a half of a 2 liter in the refridgerator and i made a beeline for it. its gone. so i ask if anyone was in over the weekend and might have finished it. no's all around. hmm. so dave goes to the garage to open things up and says that the service doo ris unlocked. i know for a fact that i locked it friday. then i go in the garage and notice that the roll up door is unlocked and the hoist is raised up about a foot off the ground. then dan goes outside and there are footprints in the snow leading up to the hazmat building where someone tried to gain entry but failed. so i follow the tracks behind the building and they lead out of a gate an donto the course. dave and i follow the tracks and on the hilll behind one of the greens is my coke bottle, and two beer cans. little bastards. so we call the police and they come out and take pics and what not. the weird thing is that of all the tools and expensive eqipment in there, nothing was taken or even moved. except my pop. i told the cops to swab the opening to my bottle for DNA and i wanted them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. i said i was also interested in suing for suffering caffeine withdrawals. i dont know just weird. why would someone brak into a place and risk being caught but not take anything? anyone?