Most Exhausting Girl I Ever Knew, Ryan/Girl!Spencer, NC-17

May 17, 2009 02:52

Title: Most Exhausting Girl I Ever Knew
Authors: boweryd and fallintosilence
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/girl!Spencer
Word Count: 4,000
Summary: "Stop being so stupid and stubborn already and take your pants off."
Disclaimer: I clearly don’t own any of these people and this clearly never happened.
Warnings: Awkward teenage hetsex with body issues and snarky best friends?
Author Notes: Um. This is what happens when fallintosilence and I are all, "Know what's awesome? Teenage Ryan and Spencer! Know what else is awesome? Vaginas! Know what's super awesome? Teenage Ryan and Spencer where Spencer is a girl is and is all "Ahahah no!" and Ryan is all, "Ladyparts! Wanna touch em, let me touch em!" You're right, that is super awesome!" I don't even know anymore. Largely chatficced and self betaed by the both of us, so it has that going for it! Title from "Papillon" by Rilo Kiley.

"I swear to god, Ross, I will break your scrawny ass directly in half."

Spencer didn't look like she was kidding.

"It's not fair," Ryan replied anyway.

"It's perfectly fair. You're getting handjobs and blowjobs left and right, how is this not fair to you?" She was doing that bullshit thing she did where she forgot that Ryan had known her forever, knew all her tricks, knew that she was playing it off so he wouldn't look closer, wouldn't see the pink tinge to her cheeks and the way she wouldn't meet his eyes.

"I wasn't talking about me," he says, taking a chance and scooting closer to her on the bed, wrapping his fingers around her ankle and squeezing.

Spencer giggles at the rub of his fingers against the side of her foot, a sudden, bright noise that neither of them were expecting, and Ryan takes the opportunity to crawl on top of her, press her down into the bed and kiss her soft and light.

"C'mon," he mumbles into her mouth when she deepens the kiss. "C'mon, Spence, let me. It's not fair."

Spencer groans, shakes her head and refuses to meet his eyes when he pulls away. "Spencer," he says, trying to keep the frustration out of his voice. "Come on."

He doesn't mean to push, he wouldn't, not with Spencer, but she had told him she wanted to, whispered it into his shoulder the night before, "I do, I do, I just--" before the door to her sister's room had banged open, before they'd jumped apart guiltily and turned their faces into the bed, feigning sleep. By the time Ryan was sure the coast was clear, Spencer had been asleep for real, breathing soft and even, her hand tangled with his under the cover.

"Just fucking lay off," she snaps, pulling away from him, folding herself into the corner of the bed. She looks small, a little scared in that way she does when she's trying to look tough, and Ryan feels like a total asshole.

"Hey," he says, poking at the side of her knee where he knows she's ticklish. "Hey, I'm sorry, okay?" Spencer meets his eyes, nods, smiles with one side of her mouth. "It's just--" he wiggles his way into her side, pins her between the wall and his body so she has to look at him. "I just want to make you feel what I feel," he says. He can feel his face heating up, he knows he sounds like an idiot, but he wants her to understand. Wants her to know he doesn't just want to do it for the sake of doing it.

Spencer blushes, but she doesn't look away and her voice barely shakes when she says, "Look, I just know that-- you've been with other girls, okay? Prettier girls, and thinner girls, and you don't have to." She looks away then, crosses her arms over her knees and drops head down.

Spencer is kind of a fucking idiot.

"You're kind of a fucking idiot," he says, and he gets the reaction he wanted, Spencer's eyes snapping to his face, angry and flashing, her face and neck turning red.

"Fuck you!" she hisses, "I fucking knew this wasn't a good idea, I told you that you'd turn into an asshole and I'd turn into a bitch and it wasn't worth it and you never fucking listen to me."

"Spencer," Ryan says calmly.

"No! No, this is all your fault and I was right and fuck you, Ryan."

"Spencer." he says again.

"What?" she says. She's panting a little, face still flushed with anger, eyes bright, and she's fucking beautiful.

He meant to say something, anything, but instead he's leaning in, pressing their mouths together, kissing her hard and deep while she nips at his lips. "So stupid," he says against her lips.

"Shut up, I hate you," she groans out against his mouth.

Ryan smirks against her lips and presses at her side, pushes her down until she's laying under him, wrapping her leg around his, pushing up into his hands when he skims them up her side. "Well I don't," he replies, pulling away from her with a gasp. "So stop being so stupid and stubborn already and take your pants off."

"You're such a romantic," Spencer says, wiggling under him. "How did I ever get so lucky?"

"Spence," he says, suddenly serious. "Look. I want to. I want you. You know that, right?" She nods, biting her bottom lip and looking up at him a little hesitantly. "Now are you going to stop being mean to me and let me get you off?" He smirks at her, can't help it, and flinches away from the smack she throws at his arm.

"Fine," she says, "but if this goes terribly wrong I'm going to say I told you so."

"No pressure," Ryan grumbles as she arches up and shimmies out of her jeans.

"Spencer, you realize you have to get more naked than that, right?" He asks after a minute when she's still just resting against the pillows, eyes squeezed shut.

"Can't you just kind of work around them?" Spencer asks, gesturing down her body.

It's possible he snorts a little, but that's not really his fault. "No," he says, sliding his hands up her legs, hooking his fingers into the waistband of her underwear. They're just regular underwear, boycut, they kind she always wears, but if he looks close enough he can see a hint of wetness between her legs, darkening the fabric a shade, and he swallows hard. She tenses up when he rubs over her hips, soothing circles into the soft skin, but he ignores it, yanks her underwear down bit by bit.

"C'mon," he says, pulling. "Lift up." She does, listens without fighting him for once, and Ryan has to bite back a groan when he looks down at her, hips arched off the bed, back bowed and breasts pushing against the material of her t-shirt. He shakes his head a bit to clear it, slides her underwear the rest of the way off and just stares. It's not a lot more than he's seen before but it's different like this, being this close, seeing the little tremors in Spencer's soft thighs, the way they curve out and up into her hips, full and soft, cradling the curly dark hair between her legs.

He strokes over her hips, her thighs, trying to get her to relax where she's still tensed up. Every time she shifts under his hands he can smell her, heavy and a little sweet. She's wet, he can see it shining on her thighs where they're clenched tightly together, and he tries not to think too hard about when he gets her to spread them open, when he spreads her open, because she will make fun of him forever if he comes just from this.

"Spence, come on," he says, stroking up between her thighs until he can just feel where the skin is a little damp and sticky. "Come on, let me," and she nods, her eyes still squeezed shut, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. She lets him push her legs apart slowly until he's got her open in front of him, and Ryan's seen girls before, been with girls before, but fuck. Spencer is wet, the skin pink and a little puffy, shiny where the light hits her. He brings his hand up slowly, stroking up her thigh, over the soft, sticky skin until he can slide his fingers up, spread her open.

Spencer gasps, pushing up into the touch, making small little noises in the back of her throat as he strokes over her. His fingers are coated with her, hot and heavy and he leans down without thinking, licks over her clit where he has her spread open just to taste. Spencer gasps, her hand slamming into the back of Ryan's head, fingers clenching in, and hey, that's cool, Ryan can deal with that. But then she's yanking, hard, pulling his face away from her.

"What," he says, because hello, good thing going here.

"No!" She says, her voice rushed and a little shaky. "I thought you were just going to, like. Can't we just. The finger thing. Let's just-- that's good, right? Baby steps!"

Ryan rolls his eyes at her, can't help it, but he doesn't want to push her too far. She's being ridiculous, but she's also spread out in front of him, flushed and beautiful, and he's pretty sure if he fucks this up it will never, ever happen again. Ryan licks his lips, just to make her glare at him, and then strokes his fingers back down over her, touching the pad of his thumb gently to her clit where his tongue was before, feeling the little jerk of her hips and her sharp inhale. She's tense, her thighs are trembling against his forearm, but she isn't asking him to stop, so Ryan figures fingers are a go. He spends a minute rubbing slow, steady circles over her clit, just watching his fingers press over her, listening to the way her breathing gets heavier. She's shifting up against him a bit, pressing into the touch, and when she arches up hard he can feel her press wet against his wrist.

He groans a little, keeps his thumb going on her clit while he brushes the knuckles of his other hand lower, grazing over her where she's hot and slippery, nudging the knuckle of his middle finger over her entrance and feeling her jerk at the pressure. Ryan eases up, he doesn't want to push, doesn't want to hurt her, giving her his finger folded in half before anything else. He focuses back on her clit, and when he looks up she's flushed pink and watching him, biting her lip with her eyebrows slightly furrowed with the effort of keeping her eyes open, keeping her attention on him.

She's so beautiful like this, eyes wide, a light sheen of sweat across her forehead, her face and neck stained pink, her nipples straining against the material of her t-shirt. He can see the soft curve of her belly peeking out from underneath the bottom of her shirt and he wants to stretch up, kiss her there, suck the soft skin into his mouth. He's contemplating it when she follows his gaze and snaps out of the lull his fingers put her in, glaring and tugging her shirt down over her stomach.

"Spencer," Ryan groans, but she tenses up even more and keeps glaring, just daring him to say something else. Ryan thinks fondly about the day there will be no parents or siblings to deal with, when he has all the time in the world to just spread her out underneath him, completely naked, and kiss every inch of her skin until she stops being so self-conscious around him.

"This was a bad idea," she says, trying to squeeze her legs shut even though he's between them. "I told you."

"You are so fucking frustrating," he snaps without thinking. He's about to apologize, but when he raises his eyes to her face he snaps his mouth shut, stills his hand, because her eyes are huge and shining a little wetly, her lower lip trembling, and shit, shit, he's fucked this up. "Hey, hey, no," he says in a rush, "I just-- Spencer, you've got to fucking stop that. Okay? I don't how else to convince you I want you, every time I tell you you're beautiful you call me a dick."

Spencer laughs wetly, rubs her wrist across her eyes. "Yeah, well, you always say it when I look like shit."

"You never look like shit, idiot," he says. Then, a second later, "Pretend that came out better."

Spencer laughs, ducks her head, and Ryan leans up to kiss her, he has to, grips her waist with his wet hands and licks into her mouth until she's relaxed against him, kissing back, shifting against him restlessly.

Ryan pulls back and smirks at her. "Problem?"

She blushes immediately, but keeps her gaze firm on him, doesn't back down, "Just you not finishing what you started, Ross," she says, going for haughty but coming out a little breathless.

Ryan keeps his eyes on her, holds her gaze as he slides back down her body. She doesn't break first, she never does, but admitting defeat is worth it when he focuses his gaze back down to where he has her spread open around his fingers again. She's even more swollen than before, the delicate pink skin having turned red, and she's so wet. He wants to taste her again, fuck does he want to taste her again, but he settles for tracing his fingertip over her, slow and dragging, until he settles it right at her entrance, pressing in just a little, just enough to make her keen and push forward against his finger.

He slips inside just a little, just enough that he can feel her hot and wet and clenching, but he doesn't move any further, just rubs into the soft skin until she huffs out a breath, bites back a whine. "What the fuck, Ryan, are you waiting for a formal invitation?" Her voice is strained, just a little, just enough that no one else would be able to tell she's impatient.

Ryan smiles a little to himself, because he loves this. Loves when she finally stops protesting and starts telling him what to do. It's Spencer's own form of asking nicely, really. He leans forward and kisses the inside of her thigh, mouthing slowly at the soft, pale skin there as he steadily pushes inside, letting his finger sink in deep where it's warm and tight, clenching around his finger, the muscle of her thigh tense under his mouth. He groans quietly against her thigh, presses his aching cock down into the mattress because fuck.

Ryan twists his wrist a little, lets his finger drag inside of her. He loves the way her hips move, tiny little fits and starts in time with the movement of his finger inside of her. He pulls out so he can push back in, can rub slowly up inside her, feeling where she's clenching around him. He keeps at it for a while until Spencer makes an impatient noise that turns into a gasp when he brushes his thumb back up over her clit, brushing gently over the swollen bump of it, just enough pressure for her to feel it, and Spencer starts making these desperate, cut off little noises that have Ryan asking, "This is okay, right?"

Spencer huffs and says, "Of course it's okay, except for how you're being a fucking tease. Come on, touch me," and her voice lilts up into a whine at the end, one that makes Ryan grin and lean up to kiss her again. The angle makes his finger sink in deeper, and he swallows the moan it draws from Spencer, presses down harder with his thumb and keeps moving in tight, frantic circles over her clit.

He keeps kissing her, can't seem to stop now that he's here. He kisses her neck, the little spot behind her ear that she loves, the hollow of her throat, her collar bone. He can feel her nipples pressing against his chest through their t-shirts and he really, really wishes she were not wearing that shirt right now, that he could keep sliding his mouth lower and lower, kiss down between her breasts and over her nipples before sucking them into his mouth. He's understandably distracted by this train of thought, and he only registers Spencer's impatient noises when she digs her heel into he back of his knee, hisses, "Come on, asshole."

She's moving her hips up against his hand, trying to get him to touch her harder, press deeper, and he ducks up to kiss her quickly before hiding his smile in her neck, leaving her mouth free so he can hear whine when he pulls his finger out, hear it replaced by a gasp when he presses back in with two. "Ryan, Ryan," she says desperately, moving against his hand as he curls his fingers up, pushes in, feels her muscles flutter and adjust around him.

Spencer's hands are twisted in the sheets on either side of her body but she brings one up to clutch at his back as he rubs up slowly inside of her. Her nails dig into his skin through the fabric of his shirt, sharp little stinging points cutting through the haze in his mind. She feels so fucking good, and he tries to stay focused on her, tries to ignore the desperate heat coiling low in his belly. He tries to focus on keeping his fingers moving, on kissing at her neck to distract himself. Her skin is warm and salty under his mouth, flushed and sweaty from the way she's straining up against his hand, from how close she is.

And she is close, he can feel it where she's tensed up all around him, so Ryan moves back down her body, because no way is he missing this, it took him long enough to get it and he wants to see. He looks down at her, at where she's open around him, so tight that the skin clings to his fingers as he drags them in and out her body. He gets momentarily distracted at the way she opens around the bony bumps of his knuckles, how thin and stretched the skin gets, the little pants he can draw from her when he twists his fingers, his knuckles dragging just inside of her.

He spares a frantic, hot thought for how she would look stretched around his cock, but makes himself cut that shit out when his hips snap forward into the mattress without his permission. Instead he settles in, starts fucking her with his fingers in earnest, crooking them up, letting them drag against her in the way that's pulling these raw, broken noises from her throat. She's so, so wet, soaking Ryan's fingers and hand and the sheets beneath them, and Ryan drags his thumb across her skin, getting it wet, bringing it up to touch her clit, to press just to the side of it. It makes her moan and gasp, bucking up, and Ryan's cock jerks in his pants at the sound.

Spencer has to be close, she can't not be, not with the noises she's making and the way she keeps straining up toward his hand, pushing into the touch of his thumb and the rhythm of his fingers, her feet bracing and sliding on the bed, dragging down his side as they try to find purchase. She's beautiful, so beautiful when she's strung out like this. He could fucking do this forever, just touch her and taste her until she's desperate like this, moving against him and panting and waiting for release.

He can feel her clenching hard around him now, his fingers sinking in deep and her moans getting shorter, rougher, harsh in the air between them. Spencer is all he can hear, all he can see, all he can smell, and he takes his thumb away from her clit and she hisses, her hand coming down to clutch his hair, to tug at it as she pants out, "Fuck, Ryan, fuck you, come on."

He knows she's close, knows he's driving her crazy, and he grips her thigh and leans forward, fitting his lips around her clit and sucking, hard, her hips bucking up violently underneath his mouth as she comes. Her fingers are still tight in his hair, tugging painfully, and Ryan twists his fingers up and lets her clench around them, her muscles gripping him tight. His cock is throbbing, he's desperate to be inside of her instead, to feel her clenching down so tight around his cock and he groans against her at the thought as she moans and moans and moans like she doesn't realize how much noise she's making. Ryan pulls off her clit and licks over her softly as she twitches through her orgasm, long broad strokes, tasting her, feeling her tremble under his tongue.

Spencer groans and twitches away from his tongue after a minute, too sensitive, and he pulls back and rests his head on her thigh, her hands slowly loosening in his hair until she's petting through it, smoothing it back from his forehead. He strokes a hand up and down her, the outside of her thigh, knee to hip, feeling as her muscles stop trembling and her breathing evens out. He turns his head just a little, just enough to see where she's swollen and open, skin puffy and red from her orgasm, from his hands and his mouth. He feels a little ridiculously proud of himself and vows to never, ever share that fact with Spencer.

"You cheated," she says weakly, after a few minutes. "You always fucking cheat." Her voice is low and gravelly, raw like it's being pulled from her throat against her will and Ryan is seriously, seriously going to come in his pants any second now.

"Are you complaining?" he asks, as he pushes himself up to hover over her. Her eyes are huge and bright, cheeks still flushed and mouth bitten red and he wants to kiss her but his mouth is still wet from her and he doesn't know if he should push things.

Spencer, though, is a genius, and she solves the problem for him, reaches up and pulls his head down, says, "Shut the fuck up," against his mouth. She licks into his mouth sort of hesitantly, her tongue sweeping across his lips, tasting herself, and she makes a small little sound of approval that rumbles over his lips and straight down to his cock, makes him moan and press down into her hip helplessly.

"Right, right," she says, pulling away from his mouth, reaching down for his zipper. "Right, sorry," and then she's unbuttoning his jeans, reaching into his pants and boxers to wrap a hand around him. He almost comes right there, it's a near thing, but he manages to hold off until she's got him out of his pants.

Spencer pushes at his shoulder, tries to get him on his back but he can't, he's so fucking close. He just says, "No, no, like this, come on," and thrusts into her hand, bending down to kiss her desperately as he fucks into her grip, wet from the pre-come streaking his cock. "Fuck, fuck," he says into her mouth, and it only takes him a few thrusts into the tight grip of her fist before he's coming, thinking blindly about her, about Spencer hot and slick around him, and he groans pathetically against her lips. It's sudden and fucking intense, he feels like something is wrenching his orgasm out of him, even as Spencer slowly jerks him through it, and he collapses down on top of her as soon as he's done, letting her hold him, sinking down into her soft curves.

"Fuck," he repeats helplessly, and Spencer wipes her hand off on his hip, her nose wrinkled up when he glances up at her face.

"What?" he asks, still panting into her shoulder.

"I'm going to have to do so much fucking laundry," she says, rubbing circles into the small of his back.

"That's great, Spence. That's really, really exactly what I want to hear right now."

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I supposed to be fluttering my eyelashes and asking if it was good for you?" Her voice is sharp, cutting, and he loves doing this, loves how easy it is to get a rise out of her. He forces himself up on wobbly arms and tucks himself back into his jeans before straddling her, grinning down at her as he tries to think of a response.

She's a mess, her hair is a wild tangle on the pillow, random strands clinging wetly to her forehead. She's fucking beautiful, and he forgets what he was going to say, forgets why he was going to say it, can't do anything but lean down and kiss her, soft and sweet, pressing their sweaty foreheads together when he pulls back. "If I tell you look beautiful right now, are you going to call me a dick?"

They're so close that he can feel her lips ghost over his as they turn up in a grin, can feel the puff of breath against his cheek when she says, "Probably."

fic, ryan/girl!spencer

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