Our Hearts Beat Regular Time, Spencer/Girl!Ryan, NC-17

Jan 30, 2009 19:29

Title: Our Hearts Beat Regular Time
Author: boweryd
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Spencer/Girl!Ryan
Summary: "F-fingers? Spencer, can you, could you?" Ryan's voice is pitched higher than usual and yeah, fuck yes, Spencer can do that.
Disclaimer: I clearly don’t own any of these people and this clearly never happened.
Warnings: Adorable teenage oral?
Author Notes: Excerpt from a WIP that was still too long for the Porn Battle, prompt: "Girl!Ryan/Spencer, tongue." Title from Wolf Parade's "Kissing The Beehive.”

Spencer knows the basics. He's seen his fair share of porn and Brent had gone on and on at truly uncomfortable length after the first time he'd gone down on a girl. Knowing and doing are two different things, though, and Spencer's kind of frozen, staring at Ryan spread out on his bed. She squirms a little under his gaze, and he leans down before he can think about it too much, just gives her one long lick that has her arching up against his mouth, breathing out a surprised little, "Oh!"

Spencer keeps licking in long stripes until he gets the hang of it, taking note of how Ryan twitches a little when he gets to the top. He focuses there, just the tip of his tongue, letting the quiet, breathy noises Ryan's letting out guide him. She's working her hips against his mouth, and he can feel where she's getting wetter against his chin, can't resist licking back down, tasting her, pressing his tongue in kind of blindly until it slips into her body a bit. Ryan gasps at that, so he keeps it up until she's making a little whining noise, scrambling at his shoulders.

"F-fingers? Spencer, can you, could you?" Ryan's voice is pitched higher than usual and yeah, fuck yes, Spencer can do that. He feels around a little hesitantly until he finds her entrance, slides one finger in. It's a hot, smooth slide, and Spencer's cock twitches against his leg when Ryan clenches around his finger. Her hand tangles in his hair, tugs his mouth back up. "Another one," she says, and he grins a little, because of course she's still Ryan, still pushy even now.

He keeps it up for while, until his tongue is aching and his jaw is a little sore. She's still making good noises, still pushing up against his mouth and twitching her hips onto his fingers, but Spencer really thought she'd have come by now. He feels kind of awkward, like he's fucking this up, but when he pulls back Ryan whines a little, trying to follow his mouth with her hips. She's flushed and a little sweaty when he looks up at her, the t-shirt she's still wearing pushed up and tangled around her ribs, and Spencer sucks up his pride, says, "Show me? What you-?"

Ryan nods kind of frantically and reaches down, pulls his hand out from inside of her body and guides his fingers back up, covers them with her own. She starts guiding him to rub in tight little circles against her clit, much rougher than he would have thought to touch, a hard, constant pressure. He's hovered over her, watching their fingers working over her clit in tandem. When Spencer looks up, Ryan's face is screwed up and flushed and it should be ugly but it's not, it's just fucking hot, that she's so desperate for this, so desperate because of him.

Spencer ducks down to kiss her and she licks into his mouth. She's tasting herself, she has to be, because Spencer can still taste her on the back of his tongue. He groans a little helplessly into her mouth at the thought and she answers with a small, high noise. She's still working herself up against the tight rub of their fingers, faster now, and he can feel her thigh trembling against his forearm. Ryan's entire body tenses up and then she's moaning into Spencer's mouth in earnest. He can feel her clenching right beneath his fingers, and he's not really thinking, mostly he just wants to feel, wants to taste her again, and he drags his mouth away from hers to move back down her body.

He licks back over her where she's swollen and pink and still twitching. Ryan's impossibly wet, shiny with it, and when Spencer licks back over her clit she lets out a high pitched squeal that he'd tease her about under different circumstances. He kind of wants to stay right where he is, but she's grabbing frantically at his head and pulling him up kind of roughly by his hair, gasping and shaking her head.

He lets Ryan pull him back up, settle herself into his side. She's breathing hard and mumbling to herself, and she rests her head on Spencer's shoulder until her breathing slows down a little, evens out. Her movements are kind of slow and uncoordinated as she slips her hand into his boxers, runs her fingers clumsily over his aching cock. "Naked, you, get that way," she mumbles sleepily. It's kind of cute, a little ridiculous, but he's not going to call her on it, not right now. Right now he's going to get naked. Ryan curls back into him once he's shucked his boxers off, sliding her hand down, but she's reaching between her own legs, not his, and Ryan is seriously cruel if she's going to make him watch her get off again.

She brings her hand back up, though, wraps it tight and wet around his cock and shit. She jacks him slow and lazy with her own wet, her head still pillowed against his shoulder and it really, really does not take much for Spencer to come. Ryan reaches over and wipes her hand on his discarded shirt but he can't really care right now, not when they're both stupid and sleepy and Ryan is pressed warm against his side. He's drifting off when she smacks his chest lightly, says, "Set an alarm, idiot," and follows it up with a truly terrifying warning involving his mom walking in on them naked in his bed. Spencer checks the alarm twice before he settles back down against her.

spencer/girl!ryan, fic

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