Took a wee bit of time to reaquaint myself with LJ and the interwebs, after living at the Grandparents' apartment for five unexpected weeks.
I'm saddened to read that LJ removed journals that listed, dealt with, or addressed issues that were felt to be unacceptable in the purview of the LJ moral code. While I, for one, do not support the subject matter of some of these journals, a mass removal of journals that deal in fiction, or are outlets for survivors of horror smacks of the worst kind of censorship imaginable. Removal of ideas from a forum does not quel them, often their very removal champions them. Evenmore so the potential of the internet lies in an expanded, extended medium for interpersonal communication, unrestricted by majority creed. Freedom of speech, I guess, doesn't hold weight online, without some rather intense technical know-how.
That being said, I'm not sure if I'll end up back with LJ a great deal. My original intent with LJ was to stay in contact with friends and meet new people - which I have, to great aplomb. I need to develop the discipline, however, to keep my LJ based on these friends, and not an outlet for all my interests. Or maybe not. Not having regular contact with LJ has prompted me to think about how I use it to communicate with others. I miss you LJ friends. A great deal, but yet I feel as though I don't communicate with you very well.
LJ does have some great moments tho.. this being one of them. That's a great tale.