research fail or deliberate misinformation?

Sep 23, 2010 18:52

I am not by any stretch of the imagination a conspiracy theorist. It's just not my thing. But the fact that my pharmacist had never heard of brain zaps - the most common and most disturbing withdrawal symptom when discontinuing paroxetine - just freaked me out. And then I realise that they are in pretty much none of the official literature (that I found when I googled it, noone said I was being thorough about this).

It doesn't help that I'm having extremely severe withdrawal from paroxetine and want someone to FIX IT NOW without telling me to take more of it.

Goddamn electric shock brain every time I move my eyes to the right. Sod this.

I can't read pdf's on my notebook - well I could if I installed pdf reading things - and all the moh stuff is in pdf. Maybe I'm being mean to the gummint just because I can't be arsed reinstalling all the things I uninstalled in order to fix the space thing (before Aron actually properly fixed the space thing and made space for the things I uninstalled, duh).

This incoherant rant was bought to you by the feeling that each time I move my eyeballs to the right (or up, or just around depending on various external factors) I experience a sensation a lot like a complete sensory tv snow moment, complete with the sound. So like move eyeballs to right, right side of brain snows with the effect that my whole being feels abruptly like snow on the tv, slight disorientation then occurs and lasts about 2 seconds and then it's time for another one - ad nauseum.

It kinda sucks.

To add insult to injury today on the bus on the way home I realise that the much more standard weird body grinding feeling has now started. These are a lot more like your average pre-convulsion feeling, only it lasts and lasts and lasts. Like, you know how you can kinda tell if your legs are going to be twitchy tonight when you get into bed so you rub them only that makes them feel weird on the inside instead of twitchy? Like that, only all limbs and my stomach.

I still feel imensely grateful to this particular drug for assisting in making me stop wanting to kill myself. Because it really and truly did. I just don't think that the come down was worth the high. Pity.