Yuletide Letter

Oct 28, 2012 23:08

Dear Author:

Oh man, I really apologize for taking so long to update my letter! Despite the crappy first impression I've made, I'm grateful that you'll be writing for me and very excited to read the finished product.

North and South (Elizabeth Gaskell):

Basically, I love John Thornton--I just want to see him happy. I recently rewatched the miniseries and was struck by how much I enjoyed seeing Thornton being comforted and loved (by his mother or by Margaret). Something along those lines would be great. Or I'd love to read about Margaret and John's life after the book closes--how they deal with their differences and make a happy life together.

From The Mixed-Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (E. L. Konigsburg):

I read this for the first time as an adult and loved it, especially the relationship between Jamie and Claudia. I'd love to see, for instance, what the two of them are like as adults, or another adventure they have together, or more about their friendship with Mrs. Frankweiler.

The Invisible Bridge (Julie Orringer):

I know it's a sad and brutal book, but my favorite part was Andras and Klara falling in love in Paris. I'd love to see more of those moments between the two of them--a respite from the harshness of the narrative. I love Eli Polaner, too, if you'd prefer to write about him.


Here are some general types of things I like: interstitial scenes, character development, interesting writing, clever ideas, humor where it's warranted. I am not a huge fan of babies/children or of angst that goes beyond the angst-level of the original canon. I'm okay with an interesting AU. Of course, these are just guidelines, and I'm sure I'll like whatever you want to write for me! If you have an idea that really appeals to you, go for it, even if it's different than what I've written above.

Thanks so much for writing for me!

Originally posted at http://bowdlerized.dreamwidth.org/51057.html, where there are


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